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Friday, 25 June 2021

Jack Ma Says I'm Not Happy When I'm Rich.

Jack Ma

 In an exclusive interview with American television, Jack Ma said in a surprising way that being the richest man in China made him unhappy because of too much pressure.

  "When you become the richest person, people on the street will look at you in a different way."

  "I don't want to be the richest person in China, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, or even the richest person in the community!

 On TV, Jack Ma said it with a bitter face: "As the predecessors said, money can't buy happiness."  He said that his happiest moment was ten years ago, when he received RMB 90 per month.

 But for some people, hearing this is very annoying, because most people always have a little money around them, which makes them not so happy.

 Then look at entertainment news from time to time there are female news anchors and female stars who are married to the rich generation, the second generation to the rich, and the third generation to the rich.  And look at Hollywood movies, how many people go upstream in the United States to become "local tycoons" and live extravagant and desperate lives.  Now there is a person who cannot spend his money for five generations, but says he is not happy?

 In particular, Jack Ma does not depend on the relationship between government and business, but on his own abilities.  He transformed from an English teacher and established the position of e-commerce giant "Alibaba."  Then he jumped ahead and let "Alibaba" publicly raise $25 billion in the United States, break records on Wall Street, and amass his fortune to the tens of billions of dollars.  Such a person should be a person of great ability, broad-minded, and far-sighted.  How could he not be happy from too much pressure?

 Says Jack Ma: "Yes, it's good to be rich, but not the richest person in China. When you become the richest person in the world, it hurts everyone around you to make money."

 "Maybe the stock price has gone up so much, maybe the outside world has high expectations of me, maybe I'm thinking too much about the future and worrying too much."  - Actually, it makes sense to think carefully about what Jack Ma said.

 If Jack Ma started his business just to make a lot of money and become a super local tycoon, then he would be very happy now.  But if he wants to assert his worth and enjoy working, then when too much wealth is in his hands, people's eyes will also be on you to see how you will go next, which will be a lot of pressure.  In addition, the crowd is gradually gathering around him, is it to get to know him or to get to know money?

 Thinking about the facts as he has presented them, wealth will become a kind of suffering, and treasure will bury you as a person.

 Maybe the more money, the more problems Jack Ma will face.

 No wonder the Old Testament Proverbs contain the words of a wise man: "Take away from me cheating and lies. Do not give me poverty or wealth. Let me enjoy the food that is my share.

 So that, when I am full, I may not deny you and say, Who is the LORD?  Or, if I am poor, I steal, and defame my God."

 The author of this statement, fears that poverty will make him steal & defame God.  But he was also afraid that wealth would make him deny God.

 So he doesn't want both, neither money nor money, but enough maintenance, that's enough.

 This is of course a very thoughtful passage, but I do not fully appreciate this passage, or in other words, not everyone applies these words.

 In the world of life, there will be people who are poor, some are rich, and some are mediocre;  and the same people will sometimes be poor, and sometimes up and down.  We must always be ready to feel comfortable in every position.

 So what I prefer is another statement from the apostle Paul in the New Testament: "I know what it is to lack and I know what it is to have abundance. In all things and in all things nothing is a secret to me; neither in being full nor in  hunger, both in abundance and in want.

 I can do all things in Him who gives me strength."

 What he means is that in empowering Christ, he can do anything and live every day.  It was okay to be lowly despicable, and excess was okay, it would never make him uncomfortable, let alone make him unhappy.  Because he has mastered the source of ability and happiness within him, and he has a constant goal.  Therefore, whether the external environment is good or bad, the success or failure of the process does not matter to him.

 I believe that what Paul is saying is not some kind of philosophy, much less empty truth, but his own actual experience.

 In church, I've seen some real rich people, because they believe and enjoy God, they live happy and busy lives, but it's not money that makes them happy.  - Money is just a tool to do something.

 Back to topic.  Regarding his feelings, Jack Ma comments that if he is not happy, coworkers will not be happy, shareholders will not be happy, and customers will not be happy.  He has tried his best to make himself happy, to relieve his pain, he hopes to set up a foundation in the future and return the money he earned to society.  It's certainly not bad, and it's also worth doing, which is pretty awesome.  But furthermore I wish Jack Ma could, like the apostle Paul, allow that extraordinary and stable power to reside within him.

 When we recognize God's abundance of all that is infinite, we will not be so resentful for "great riches".

Santo Thomas Aquinas mengatakan bahwa dosa ringan tidak membuat seseorang berpaling dari tujuan akhir dan Tuhan

Sahabat hati yang budiman. Dosa terdapat dua kategori, yakni dosa berat dan dosa ringan. Dosa berat, Katekismus Gereja Katolik menuliskan, dosa berat merusakkan kasih di dalam hati manusia oleh satu pelanggaran berat melawan hukum Allah. Di dalamnya manusia memalingkan diri dari Allah, tujuan akhir dan kebahagiaannya dan menggantikannya dengan sesuatu yang lebih rendah. Dosa ringan membiarkan kasih tetap ada walaupun ia telah melanggarnya dan melukainya. (KGK, 1855).

Supaya satu perbuatan merupakan dosa berat harus dipenuhi secara serentak tiga persyaratan, yakni dosa berat ialah dosa yang mempunyai materi berat sebagai obyek dan yang dilakukan dengan penuh kesadaran dan dengan persetujuan yang telah dipertimbangkan (KGK, 1857). Dosa ringan adalah dosa yang tidak terlalu serius tetapi janganlah kita meremehkannya.

Santo Thomas Aquinas mengatakan bahwa dosa ringan tidak membuat seseorang berpaling dari tujuan akhir dan Tuhan. Digambarkan sebagai seseorang yang berkeliaran namun tetap menuju tujuan akhir. Dosa ringan bisa berakibat serius dan merusak.

Inilah yang dimaksudkan oleh Yesus setelah mengajar murid-murid-Nya berdoa, Yesus menekankan pengampunan. Memaafkan mereka yang telah melakukan kesalahan kepada kita dan memaafkan mereka atas kegagalan mereka.

Ketika kita berdiri di hadapan Allah, kita berdiri di hadapan-Nya sebagai orang berdosa dengan serangkaian kegagalan kita sendiri. Jika seorang pendosa tidak dapat mengampuni pendosa lain atas kesalahannya, maka doa kita tidak masuk akal. Inilah yang dikatakan oleh Yesus, jikalau kalian tidak mengampuni orang, Bapamu pun tidak akan mengampuni kesalahanmu.

Semoga kita menyadari bahwa kita tidak lebih baik dari orang lain yang akan kita tunjuk, maka belas kasihan dan pengampunan mengalir dalam diri kita. Adil dan benarlah karya tangan-Mu ya Tuhan.

God the Father sees all your good deeds and your evil deeds, even though you are hidden.

 Every action we do has a purpose.  A trivial action may be for a trivial purpose.  Thoughtful and thoughtful action may serve an important purpose.  There is no action that has no purpose.  It means action is meant for something.  Wise words say every word does not necessarily change something but every action always has an effect on life.

  our lives as believers.  This action is important and demands proper attention and understanding from us.  If this is not heeded and done with sincerity in faith then its true purpose will be lost.

 Giving alms or favors is a noble act to practice attachment.  Praying is a noble act to practice closeness and loyalty to God.  Abstinence or fasting is a noble act to discipline oneself from various human desires that have no limits.  These noble deeds must be done with sincerity so as to produce an effect that strengthens and nourishes the body and soul.

 Any action in our life must always have a spiritual content and love.  Because without this everything will be in vain.  Let our actions always add thickness to our faith and strengthen our Christian foundation as followers of Christ.

Kasihilah Musuhmu Seperti Engkau Mengasihi Dirimu Sendiri.

Ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi sangat membantu kita untuk menemukan sesuatu. Serat optik sangat membantu dalam komunikasi dan transfer informasi. Microchip membantu mengurangi ukuran peralatan elektronik dan meningkatkan efisiensi mesin. 

Sebaliknya, penemuan potensi pada manusia yang sangat tertinggal. Ini bukan tentang potensi keterampilan dan bakat orang itu tetapi kemungkinan tentang spiritualnya, terutama di bidang cinta dan pengampunan. Setiap orang memiliki potensi untuk mencintai mereka yang telah melakukan kesalahan padanya dan memaafkan mereka.

Manusia umumnya menganut prinsip membalas kebaikan dengan kebaikan. Prinsip ini terlalu kecil untuk kehidupan seorang Anak Allah. Manusia yang melakukan tindakan kebaikan untuk mengimbangi kebaikan yang telah diterimanya bukanlah tipe manusia ideal atau sempurna.

Kita dituntut untuk menghasilkan kasih yang melampaui batasan apapun, bahkan harus mendoakan orang yang tidak seharusnya kita doakan sebagai ungkapan kasih. Bapa kita yang di surga sempurna karena Dia memiliki kasih, bahkan Dia sendirilah kasih itu. Kalau kita memiliki kasih, kita bisa menikmati kesempurnaan dari segala sesuatu yang kita kasihi.

Sikap saling menghakimi dan saling menghukum, semakin marak dalam keseharian kita. Keutuhan keluarga, komunitas, masyarakat dan negara, paguyuban, paroki runtuh karena sikap-sikap mau menang sendiri. Kita sering mengklaim keselamatan hanya untuk kita, untuk golongan-golongan kita, untuk Gereja kita saja. Orang lain yang tidak sejalan dan tidak searah dengan kita tidak akan diselamatkan. Kiranya sikap tidak pilih-pilih yang di contohkan Allah menjadi kritikan bagi kita.

Yesus menegaskan, hendaklah kita sempurna seperti Bapa kita yang di surga sempurna adanya. Mari dalam hidup harian ini, kita perlu  memilah-milah lagi perilaku hidup kita. Kalau kita mau sempurna seperti Bapa, kita harus menggandakan kasih dalam kehidupan kita, memenuhi tutur kata dan sapaan kita dengan kasih, melandasi berbagai perbuatan baik kita dengan kasih hingga pada akhirnya kasihlah yang menang dan merajai kehidupan kita bersama dengan sesama dalam Tuhan.

Thursday, 24 June 2021

Loving God And Loving Others

The attitude that Jesus modeled for us is often the opposite of our hopes and desires.  We lack the free-will attitude not to reply, let alone pray for him.  It is the same with the situation in our society where violence is almost always met with violence.

 It's amazing what we hear in today's Gospel.  Shall we bet?  How many people can give sincerely without the slightest self-interest, even if they are hurt, they will not return it nor will they be hurt, let alone revenge?

 Do not fight those who do evil to you.  On the other hand, if someone slaps you on the right cheek, give them your left cheek and so on.  This is the highest goal of Christianity and of course quite difficult to achieve.

 The fundamental and basic truth of Christianity is expressed quite simply, namely to love God and love others.  This was also said by Jesus when asked which law was the greatest.

 The act of revenge will only lead to further revenge.  If we intend to give, never expect to get a thank you.  Forget that we have given.

 Let's learn from Jesus' attitude not to hold grudges even though what they did was very painful.  Let's learn to fight violence with gentleness so that the chain of violence doesn't get longer.

Bersikap Jujur Dan Apa Adanya

Yesus memberikan ajaran baru untuk menyempurnakan Hukum Taurat yang penuh peraturan membelenggu. Yesus membongkar paradigma baru dengan mengajak para pendengar-Nya menyelami inti hukum yakni kasih. 

Kita diajak untuk bersikap jujur dan apa adanya, tidak boleh ada kebohongan dan kepalsuan dalam diri kita. Kalau ya katakan iya kalau tidak katakanlah tidak selebihnya berasal dari si jahat.

Kejujuran dewasa ini mahal harganya. Tidak mudah orang bersikap jujur juga kepada dirinya sendiri. Kerap orang menipu diri sendiri dengan berbagai dalih dan pembenaran rasional. Lebih baik bersikap jujur dan apa adanya dari pada hidup penuh dengan basa basi sebab jika hilang basanya tinggallah basinya.

Yesus mengingatkan kita agar berani memperjuangkan kebenaran, kejujujuran dan kekonsistenan. Karena semua ini akan menumbuhkan kebahagiaan dan penghargaan kita terhadap diri sendiri. 

Hari ini Gereja memperingati Hati Tersuci Santa Perawan Maria. Gereja menginginkan kita meneladani kesucian dan kekonsistenan hati Bunda Maria, sehingga seluruh bangsa menyebut Inang Maria orang yang berbahagia. Sudahkah kita memiliki hati seperti Bunda Maria? Jujur kepada Allah, jujur kepada diri sendiri dan jujur kepada sesama, dan kita akan menjadi orang yang berbahagia.

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Do not compare the quality of our lives with others, it will lead to anger in us.

 Jesus expects us to see our lives at the very core of ourselves.  We must fight evil to its roots, before it comes to the surface as evil.  We must be able to overcome the anger that is the forerunner of killing.  We must be able to arrange peace in our hearts and make peace with our neighbors before we offer sacrifices or before the peace is imposed from outside by the competent authorities.

 In everyday life, we tend to compare our quality of life with the quality of life of others.  Thus the danger arises, namely that we actually compare our quality of life with the lower quality of life of others.

 When we come before God's altar to offer ourselves in union with Jesus, let us ask God for the gift of wisdom and understanding so that we can make peace with those we avoid.

 Let us ask God to pour out His love so as to heal our wounds, anger and resentment.  We need to be healed by God before we can progress and be reconciled to others.

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