Friday, 25 June 2021

God the Father sees all your good deeds and your evil deeds, even though you are hidden.

 Every action we do has a purpose.  A trivial action may be for a trivial purpose.  Thoughtful and thoughtful action may serve an important purpose.  There is no action that has no purpose.  It means action is meant for something.  Wise words say every word does not necessarily change something but every action always has an effect on life.

  our lives as believers.  This action is important and demands proper attention and understanding from us.  If this is not heeded and done with sincerity in faith then its true purpose will be lost.

 Giving alms or favors is a noble act to practice attachment.  Praying is a noble act to practice closeness and loyalty to God.  Abstinence or fasting is a noble act to discipline oneself from various human desires that have no limits.  These noble deeds must be done with sincerity so as to produce an effect that strengthens and nourishes the body and soul.

 Any action in our life must always have a spiritual content and love.  Because without this everything will be in vain.  Let our actions always add thickness to our faith and strengthen our Christian foundation as followers of Christ.


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