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Friday, 12 November 2021

Jadwal Pelayaran Kapal Awu Tanggal 17 S/d 20 November 2021. Tujuan: Bima-Benoa-Surabaya-Kumai PP Dan Persyaratan Bagi penumpang Kapal.

Jadwal Pelayaran Kapal Awu Tanggal 17 S/d 20 November 2021. Tujuan: Bima-Benoa-Surabaya-Kumai PP Dan Persyaratan Bagi penumpang Kapal.

kapal Awu.

Jadwal Pelayaran  KM.AWU  Tujuan: Bima-Benoa-Surabaya-Kumai PP. Akan Tiba di NTT (Waingapu-Ende-Kupang-Kalabahi PP)


Dari: Bima

Tiba di Waingapu


Tiba pukul 04:00 WITA

Berangkat pukul 06:00 WITA




Tiba pukul 15:00 WITA/3 Sore

Berangkat pukul 17:00 WITA/5 Sore

Tujuan: Kupang



Tiba pukul 06:00 WITA

Berangkat pukul 10:00 WITA




Tiba pukul 23:00 WITA/11 Malam

Berangkat Jum'at 19/11/2021

Pukul 01:00 WITA

Tujuan: Kupang



Tiba pukul 14:00 WITA/2 Sore

Berangkat pukul 17:00 WITA/5 Sore

Tujuan: Ende



Tiba pukul 06:00 WITA

Berangkat pukul 08:00 WITA

Tujuan: Waingapu



Tiba pukul 17:00 WITA/5 Sore

Berangkat pukul 18:00 WITA/6 Sore

1. Keterangan Atau Persyaratan berlayar mengunakan kapal.

1.Calon Penumpang Wajib menunjukkan Hasil Non-reaktif Test Antigen/PCR dengan Masa berlaku 1x24jam untuk Antigen dan 2x24jam untuk PCR

2.Calon penumpang wajib menunjukkan Sertifikat Vaksinasi Covid-19 Dosis 1 atau 2

3.Tiket hanya dijual di Loket resmi PT Pelni dan tidak dijual di Agen lain

4.Penumpang yang sudah memiliki tiket diharapkan hadir 1 jam sebelum kapal tiba

5.Selalu mengikuti protokol kesehatan (Menjaga jarak dan Menggunakan Masker)

The picture of the End times can actually cause Fear in our hearts Luke 17:26-37

The picture of the End times can actually cause Fear in our hearts Luke 17:26-37

Jesus' picture of the days leading up to His coming in the last days can really cause fear to arise in our hearts.

But Jesus told those who listened to His teaching that on the day the Lord came, they should not return home to collect their belongings.  Jesus encouraged them and all of us to find security and peace only in Him.

For those who know Jesus personally and intimately, His return is a beautiful and wonderful event.  We will be caught in His love and captivated by the fulfillment of all our dreams so it is only natural that we leave everything behind and run to meet Him.

 If now we only know and believe in Jesus from what is described in the Bible and taught by the Church, then when He returns to the world, we will see Him in all His fullness.  Very heartwarming.

 So let us continue to obey His word.  Let our hearts always yearn and open to Him.  As we do what He wants us to do, the longing of our hearts will be kindled because the light of His heart will become brighter and brighter until the day when we will run to meet the One we long for.

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Tim Malkovic
David Bell
Creative Designer
Eve Stinger
Sales Manager
Will Peters


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9983 City name, Street name, 232 Apartment C

Work Time:

Monday - Friday from 9am to 5pm


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