Thursday, 24 June 2021

Loving God And Loving Others

The attitude that Jesus modeled for us is often the opposite of our hopes and desires.  We lack the free-will attitude not to reply, let alone pray for him.  It is the same with the situation in our society where violence is almost always met with violence.

 It's amazing what we hear in today's Gospel.  Shall we bet?  How many people can give sincerely without the slightest self-interest, even if they are hurt, they will not return it nor will they be hurt, let alone revenge?

 Do not fight those who do evil to you.  On the other hand, if someone slaps you on the right cheek, give them your left cheek and so on.  This is the highest goal of Christianity and of course quite difficult to achieve.

 The fundamental and basic truth of Christianity is expressed quite simply, namely to love God and love others.  This was also said by Jesus when asked which law was the greatest.

 The act of revenge will only lead to further revenge.  If we intend to give, never expect to get a thank you.  Forget that we have given.

 Let's learn from Jesus' attitude not to hold grudges even though what they did was very painful.  Let's learn to fight violence with gentleness so that the chain of violence doesn't get longer.


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