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Thursday, 11 November 2021

The wages of bearing a heavy cross, joy abounds Luke, 14:25-33

Becoming a disciple of Jesus is often faced with controversial phenomena or teachings.  Not infrequently what Jesus taught did not make sense to the people in His environment.  Including how to become His disciples as narrated in today's Gospel.

 Loving parents in the books of wisdom is a virtue that every child should do.  Loving and respecting parents is not just an invitation but this is a command and obligation so that children get happiness.  Likewise with loving husband, wife and children.

 But Jesus taught something that seemed to contradict the teachings of this wisdom.  Jesus said, if a man comes to me and does not hate his father, mother, wife, children, brothers or sisters, even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.

 Isn't this a harsh teaching?  This is not a popular teaching, because if you hate your parents and family you can be said to be a disobedient child.

 Did Jesus teach His disciples to be disobedient?  If that's what Jesus taught, it's unlikely that Jesus had disciples.  So what did Jesus want?

 There are two types of parents in teaching their children.  First, parents teach their children to develop into mature and independent children.  And secondly, parents who love their children so much that all their desires are fulfilled, and this actually makes the child always dependent and attached to the parents or anyone asked by the parents to take care of this child.

 This second child development, which most parents do not want.  I believe many parents expect their children to grow up to be mature and independent, not dependent on their parents.

 Love that causes dependence will inhibit a person's growth and development.  Likewise, love attached to worldly things will hinder the development of one's faith.

 What Jesus wants to teach in today's Gospel story is that whoever loves Him, no more than his love for those closest to him, is not worthy of being His disciple.  That is, loving Jesus must be greater and total than loving those closest to him.  Parents and family symbolize what is closest to a person and to him the most deserving of the greatest love.

 This is what Jesus expected of His disciples.  The disciples are required to love God totally.  Don't let his love for individuals or for certain things actually hinder his love for God.  This total love for God is finally shared with the closest people, to work or to anyone and anything.

 Is it heavy?

 It's really hard, but that's what being a disciple of Jesus is like.  We must have the courage to bear the heavy cross to have abundant joy.  Success in building faith and victory in inner warfare will bring deep joy to us.

As Christians, life after death is an eternity. Everyone will experience death, everyone will experience the end of life. God will Provide Salvation.

Humans are not immortal, consciously or not we must have thought about what actually happens after death.  Life after death has always been a mystery of human questions throughout history.  There are many reviews related to this because it concerns about humans, about us.  This struggle will never end until we experience it ourselves.

As Christians, life after death is an eternity.  God's promise of salvation will be fulfilled then.  Everyone will experience death, everyone will experience the end of life.  We too are waiting for the second coming of Christ in glory.  That's when the end of the world, we are all taken into eternity.  God's promise of salvation always applies to us, as long as we are faithful to God.

The Pharisees asked about the Kingdom of God.  Their concept of the Kingdom of God is only limited to a place that is limited by space and time.  So they asked when and how the kingdom of God would come.  May the questions they ask because of hearing Jesus preach about the Kingdom of God.  The whole life and work of Jesus was to proclaim the Kingdom of God.  But not fully grasped by those who heard Him.

Jesus' answer is surprising because it reverses the concept of the Pharisees asking Him.  They understand that the Kingdom of God is still far away and lies far away.  And Jesus' answer is because verily the kingdom of God is among you.  The kingdom of God is present right now, among us, not far away.  The kingdom of God is present in our lives, concrete lives.  We just don't know and don't realize because He comes without signs and without warning.

The coming of the Kingdom of God means the coming of salvation.  If the kingdom of God is among us, then we enter the circle of God's salvation.  Our presence anywhere and anytime is also the presence of the Kingdom of God.  So actually we also have a safety dimension, have a duty to bring salvation to many people.  If our lives save, then the Kingdom of God is present among us.  If the presence of others brings salvation, the Kingdom of God is present in it.

The life of faith is not a matter of the future but a matter of the present where we live and are.  So our lives become so important, this is where our battlefield is.  It is our life that becomes the field of faith struggle, the life that is now not the future.  If faith is living, then our lives come alive in faith.  It means to live in safety.  Let us strive to always live in faith.  Only when we live are we able to manifest our faith.

Wednesday, 10 November 2021

Your intelligence and intelligence are of no use, if you are not honest, then you are classified as a bad person.

Dishonesty is an act that is not right.  Everyone is called to act and speak honestly.  No matter how smart a person is, dishonesty is always not justified.

 Errors and sins are not the first to be proven or not, but from the actions and words themselves, it is clear whether they are honest or not.  In the world of justice, a new action will be said to be wrong if the physical evidence shows it.  If no one can prove it, the act of murder is not necessarily a mistake.

 A dishonest treasurer teaches us that no matter how smart and smart the dishonest act is, in the eyes of our fellow human beings we are still bad people, bad people.  A good goal does not eliminate a good way to achieve it.  A good goal must be pursued in a good way, then everything will be good and right.

 This dishonest treasurer, teaches us about responsibility.  Any small responsibility, if done well will bring great trust.  No matter how big the responsibility is, if it is not carried out, it will bring less and less trust, even if it is no longer trusted.

 Likewise in the case of truth.  The practice of being honest and right in small things will lead a person to honesty and truth in bigger things.  If you have been dishonest since childhood, when you grow up it will be so.  Similar, not much different.  So it takes continuous practice for it.

 We are children of light, so we must continue to learn and ensure that our own future is not in danger.  We must act honestly no matter how small because we are called to be upright and moral people especially when we are faced with so many temptations to enter into the dark side.

 We are children of the light, we must believe that the light will triumph and blind the darkness.  Then everyone's truth will be revealed.  Have we acted honestly.

Jesus Heals 10 Lepers. The Jews hold the view that the Samaritans are pagans.

The ten lepers in the Gospel account consist of 9 Jews and 1 Samaritan.  The Jews held the view that the Samaritans were pagans, unlike the Jews, they were an excommunicated people.  We still remember very well how the story of the good Samaritan ended.  The person who is considered a sinner actually shows total compassion for his fellow sufferers.

 Leprosy or any disease at that time was seen as a curse from God because of that person's sin.  It is considered a curse, so people who are sick like that must be removed from the community.  Society generally does not want to be infected by cursed people.  So the ten people in this story stand some distance away and cry out for Jesus' attention.

 It is not explained whether Jesus came closer to them or not, what is clear is that Jesus looked at them.  A simple word with a very deep meaning, 'to look'.  In a sense, Jesus saw them when they shouted.  It could also be interpreted that Jesus viewed the ten excluded people as worthy of compassion and attention.  Jesus did not see them only with his eyes, but Jesus looked at them with his heart, looking at the way God views humans, full of love and love.

 Not infrequently we also feel far from God because we realize that we are sinners.  Let alone screaming, just want to get closer we feel unworthy and worthy before God.  This attitude actually makes us more distant from God.  It is not God who leaves or stays away from us, but it is we who often close ourselves and distance ourselves from God.  Allah always opens His arms for anyone who comes to Him.

 10 lepers symbolize acute sin, a very big mistake.  Perhaps humanly it cannot be forgiven, if the punishment that has recently become widespread is the death penalty.  But the way Jesus looked at them brought them back to the dignity of a saved child of God.  The way Jesus looked brought the blessing of forgiveness to sinners.

 This perspective from God is what we want to emulate in looking at many things, especially how we view others who are suffering.  Jesus looked on with love and forgiveness.  We are also invited to look at it that way.  We are also invited to believe that God's perspective is not the same as the human perspective.  In any amount of sin, Allah always opens His mercy for those who want to come closer.  Never mind approaching, we shout from far away Jesus will come and look at us.

Tuesday, 9 November 2021

Jesus Forgives His People Without Limits. Luke, 17:1-6

Self-reflection or introspection is a spiritual practice in which we examine our own conscience before God in prayer and see how we have united with God and what sins we have committed.

 One question we must honestly ask ourselves is, how many lies do I live with each day?  Lies are not only lies spoken but also lies in action, such as hypocrisy, cunning and so on.

 More importantly, we need to ask ourselves, how did my life become so messy with so many lies?  The answer is simple, because we deceive ourselves and believe that one little lie will be fine, the lie is small and new.

 The reality is that one small lie will start to complicate our lives and it will multiply, spreading our whole life into one big lie.

 Let your mind set on God with a sincere heart and seek Him with a sincere heart.  For wisdom does not enter into a cloudy heart, nor does it remain in a body that is ruled by sin.  The Spirit of God avoids people who like to deceive and lie.  If we can live with one sin, then we can live with many sins.

 Today's Gospel story Jesus warns us that unrepentant sinners are a hindrance to others and we must guard ourselves from the sins we commit.  If we want to be truly wise, then we must confront sin, because true wisdom, wisdom that comes from God is opposed to sin and deceit.  Only with divine wisdom can we see that virtue, honesty, loyalty and humility are ways of life.

 The greatness of God's steadfast love gives us an example that forgiveness deserves to be given without limits.  It is very impossible, continue to be hurt and continue to forgive, this is our task, even though it is hard.  It takes a great sacrifice to continue to love, as if to allow ourselves to be constantly hurt and this is what God asks us to do.

 With it, the growth of our faith will continue to occur.  The proof we have faith in Christ is the ability to forgive those who have wronged and hurt us.  C.S.  Lewis said, being a Christian means forgiving the unforgivable, because God has forgiven the unforgivable in you.

Feast of the Blessing of the Lateran Basilic Church. The Great Basilica was founded by kaiser constantian the great son of saint elena in 324

 Today we celebrate the Feast of the Blessing of the Lateran Basilic Church.  This Great Basilica was founded by Emperor Constantine the Great, son of Saint Helena, in 324. In the context of Church history, it is the first Great Basilic to symbolize freedom and peace within the Church after more than three centuries of persecution and persecution by emperors.  pagan Rome.  His blessing that we commemorate today is a memorial of that freedom and peace.

 Since the days of the apostles, there have been places of gathering to celebrate the Eucharist and listen to the Word of God.  However, because the peace of the Church was always interspersed with acts of pursuit and persecution of Christians, the churches at that time were only a room in the homes of Christians.  During the outbreak of persecution, religious ceremonies were usually celebrated in catecombs, underground cemeteries outside the city.

 When Emperor Constantine repented and promulgated the edict of Milano Dada in 303, he focused his attention on building beautiful churches.  His mother Santa Helena became one of the impetus and helpers in the effort to establish the churches.  The first church built was the Great Basilica of the Most Holy Redeemer in Lateran.  It is located on the hill of Goelius and is attached to the Lateran imperial palace.

 This church was blessed with a grand and festive ceremony by Pope Silvester I (314-335) in 324. Because the Basilica is a cathedral church for the Bishop of Rome who also serves as Pope, it is also called the Mother of All Churches, both in Rome and  around the world.  Therefore the Lateran Basilic is the parish Church for all Catholics worldwide.  The basilica is now called the Church of Saint John Lateran.

 At first this feast was celebrated only in Rome, but later it became a feast for the whole Church.  In addition to remembering and commemorating the freedom and peace experienced by the Church, we also want to express our love and unity with the Bishop of Rome, who at the same time serves as Pope, uniting the entire Church in the love of Christ.

 The Church, where we gather is a sign and symbol of the Church, the People of God.  The real church was not built of dead wood and stone but of living stone.  We are the living stones that make up this house of God, the beautiful abode of the Holy Spirit radiant with holy living.

 May we continue to unite as the Church and as the Body of Christ and be a sign of salvation to the world.

Monday, 8 November 2021

LOWONGAN kerja Asisten Rumah Tangga. (ART) Denpasar Bali.

Lowongan Karyawan ART.

Halo, Saya ingin Mencari  karyawan Sebagai Asisten Rumah Tangga.  Mohon dibaca dan ikuti instruksi saya.

Tugas Dan Tanggung  Jawab Setiap Hari Antara lain sebagai berikut :

  1. Masak: Siapin breakfast-lunch-dinner. Cuci baju dan setrika. Bersih-bersih rumah. Standard tugas dirumah seperti biasa.
  2. Urus anak saya sehari2 selama saya pergi kerja. Antar jemput anak sekolah usia 6 tahun. Atau jam kantor lainnya.

Sikon  Dan Jam Kerja Yang harus anda pahami  Antara lain sebagai berikut :

  1.  Hari kerja:  6 hari kerja. 1 hari libur. Kadang kalau saya mau quality time dgn anak, saya liburkan karyawan.
  2. Jam kerja: 8am-5pm. Untuk hari dan jam, bisa disesuaikan dgn sikon saya dan akan dikomunikasikan.

 Cara kerja Dari Kariawan Yang saya suka Antara lain sebagai berikut :

  1. Mengerti dan menghargai pekerjaannya. Peduli dan respect satu sama lain.
  2. Proaktif dan aktif tanya kalau gak ngerti.
  3. Ikuti sistem kerja saya yang simple,        praktis, to the point dan fun.

 Cara kerja dan sifat karyawan Yang saya tidak suka antara lain sebagai berikut :

1. Bohong, menyembunyikan kesalahan, sibuk main hp terus dan lengah dengan tugas dan tanggung jawab. Silahkan main hp, saya bisa paham. Saya bebaskan. Asal tau diri dan tau waktu. Kerjaan beres, bisa langsung pulang lebih awal. Simple.

2. Gak fokus kerja karena sibuk dgn urusan pribadi. Saya sudah sibuk dengan urusan saya sendiri, jadi saya tidak mau urus2 dan dibuat pusing urusan pribadi karyawan. Apapun itu. Urusan keluarga, hutang, suami, dll, dll. Urus sendiri. Saya akan otomatis langsung selesaikan karyawan tersebut. Saya cari karyawan untuk bantu saya, bukan untuk buat ribet langkah saya. Jadi tolong, pikirkan point ini. Saya serius.

 Kalau lagi gak fokus kerja, ijin libur kerja. Datang kerja kalau sudah fokus lagi. Tinggal dikomunikasikan saja. Saya orangnya pengertian. Mending karyawan urus urusan pribadinya dulu. Daripada kerja gak fokus krn pikiran kemana-mana. No point. Mending take a break. Be smart.

3. Bawa atau undang suami/pacar atau keluarga/saudara/anak atau teman ke rumah saya pada jam kerja tanpa ijin dan tanpa ada kepentingan emergency. Apalagi pas saya kerja diluar rumah terus ketauan bawa pacar. Anak saya gak diperhatiin, dibebasin main keluar terus karyawan asik terima tamu dijam kerja. Ini FATAL. I DONT LIKE THIS. Not good. Jam kerja, kerja. Jam main, main. Sesimple itu. Ketauan 1x, diingetin. Kalau diulang, dipecat. No debat. Saya baik dan friendly tapi tegas kalau karyawan udah melenceng. 

Proses penerimaan karyawan:

1. Cek data pribadi dari wa.

2. Interview.

3. Kerja masa percobaan 1 minggu. Kalau sesuai lanjut, kalau tidak sesuai selesai dan langsung digaji di akhir hari kerja.


Karyawan yg akan saya terima tinggal diarea berada di area Denpasar . Diluar area Denpasar ini tidak akan diterima.  Jadi bagi yg diluar area ini, tidak usah ngelamar. Karena tidak akan diterima. Kalau mau semisal pindah kost diarea tempat saya, ok, silahkan. Dan punya motor sendiri lengkap dengan jas hujan. 

Kerja, kalau ikutin aturan, bakal lancar. Kalau bandel, ya gak lancar. Saya bisa paham, orang punya pandangan beda2. Pemikiran, pengetahuan, pengalaman beda2. Ukur kemampuan diri. Tanya ke diri sendiri maunya apa. Kalau gak mau kerja, gak usah ngelamar kerja. Simpel.

Ini yang penting:

Tolong ikuti instruksi saya cara ngelamar pekerjaan ini:

Nama lengkap:

Nama panggilan:

Tgl lahir:


Alamat sekarang:

Status: Suami? Anak berapa usia berapa?

Kalau ada suami, kegiatannya apa? Kerja atau tidak kerja? (Informasi penting)

Kirim foto ktp dan foto diri terbaru.

Nanti saya seleksi. Yg sesuai, akan langsung saya respond untuk proses interview. Yg gak ikut instruksi dan gak sesuai, saya abaikan.


Bulan ke 1-6: 1,500,000 + transport 150,000 & pulsa hp 50ribu. Total 1,700,000.

Bulan ke 6-12:  1,800,000 + transport 150,000 & pulsa hp 50,000. Total 2,000,000 + bonus 300,000 kalau kinerja sangat memuaskan dan semua aman nyaman tentram. Total 2,300,000

Lewat 1 tahun kerja: 2,300,000 + transport 150,000 & pulsa 50,000. Total 2,500,000 + bonus 300,000 + nabung koperasi 200,000 kalau kerja tekun dan gak neko2. Total 3,000,000.

Kerja sama saya, bakal saya didik untuk disiplin nabung dari hasil gaji. Biar punya simpanan. Biar uang gaji gak langsung ludes habis dalam waktu seminggu.

Makan: ditanggung sama saya.

Saya sangat peduli dan menghargai orang yg bekerja sungguh2 dan punya sikap positif dalam hidup. Jadi, saya cari orang yang jujur, apa adanya dan mau berkembang maju. Mental sehat dan ikut sistem kerja sama saya yang to the point tapi fun. 

Doa saya, bisa dapat  karyawan-Karyawan yang benar dan saling dukung satu sama lain. Saya perlu anda. Anda perlu saya. Take and give. Hidup dan kerjasama secara harmonis. Enak jadinya. Tetima kasih.

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Apa Perbedaan Agama dan spiritualitas

Menurut pandangan saya, agama dan spiritualitas adalah dua konsep yang berbeda meskipun terkait erat. Agama adalah pengorganisasian gagasan-...