The ten lepers in the Gospel account consist of 9 Jews and 1 Samaritan. The Jews held the view that the Samaritans were pagans, unlike the Jews, they were an excommunicated people. We still remember very well how the story of the good Samaritan ended. The person who is considered a sinner actually shows total compassion for his fellow sufferers.
Leprosy or any disease at that time was seen as a curse from God because of that person's sin. It is considered a curse, so people who are sick like that must be removed from the community. Society generally does not want to be infected by cursed people. So the ten people in this story stand some distance away and cry out for Jesus' attention.
It is not explained whether Jesus came closer to them or not, what is clear is that Jesus looked at them. A simple word with a very deep meaning, 'to look'. In a sense, Jesus saw them when they shouted. It could also be interpreted that Jesus viewed the ten excluded people as worthy of compassion and attention. Jesus did not see them only with his eyes, but Jesus looked at them with his heart, looking at the way God views humans, full of love and love.
Not infrequently we also feel far from God because we realize that we are sinners. Let alone screaming, just want to get closer we feel unworthy and worthy before God. This attitude actually makes us more distant from God. It is not God who leaves or stays away from us, but it is we who often close ourselves and distance ourselves from God. Allah always opens His arms for anyone who comes to Him.
10 lepers symbolize acute sin, a very big mistake. Perhaps humanly it cannot be forgiven, if the punishment that has recently become widespread is the death penalty. But the way Jesus looked at them brought them back to the dignity of a saved child of God. The way Jesus looked brought the blessing of forgiveness to sinners.
This perspective from God is what we want to emulate in looking at many things, especially how we view others who are suffering. Jesus looked on with love and forgiveness. We are also invited to look at it that way. We are also invited to believe that God's perspective is not the same as the human perspective. In any amount of sin, Allah always opens His mercy for those who want to come closer. Never mind approaching, we shout from far away Jesus will come and look at us.
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