Today we celebrate the Feast of the Blessing of the Lateran Basilic Church. This Great Basilica was founded by Emperor Constantine the Great, son of Saint Helena, in 324. In the context of Church history, it is the first Great Basilic to symbolize freedom and peace within the Church after more than three centuries of persecution and persecution by emperors. pagan Rome. His blessing that we commemorate today is a memorial of that freedom and peace.
Since the days of the apostles, there have been places of gathering to celebrate the Eucharist and listen to the Word of God. However, because the peace of the Church was always interspersed with acts of pursuit and persecution of Christians, the churches at that time were only a room in the homes of Christians. During the outbreak of persecution, religious ceremonies were usually celebrated in catecombs, underground cemeteries outside the city.
When Emperor Constantine repented and promulgated the edict of Milano Dada in 303, he focused his attention on building beautiful churches. His mother Santa Helena became one of the impetus and helpers in the effort to establish the churches. The first church built was the Great Basilica of the Most Holy Redeemer in Lateran. It is located on the hill of Goelius and is attached to the Lateran imperial palace.
This church was blessed with a grand and festive ceremony by Pope Silvester I (314-335) in 324. Because the Basilica is a cathedral church for the Bishop of Rome who also serves as Pope, it is also called the Mother of All Churches, both in Rome and around the world. Therefore the Lateran Basilic is the parish Church for all Catholics worldwide. The basilica is now called the Church of Saint John Lateran.
At first this feast was celebrated only in Rome, but later it became a feast for the whole Church. In addition to remembering and commemorating the freedom and peace experienced by the Church, we also want to express our love and unity with the Bishop of Rome, who at the same time serves as Pope, uniting the entire Church in the love of Christ.
The Church, where we gather is a sign and symbol of the Church, the People of God. The real church was not built of dead wood and stone but of living stone. We are the living stones that make up this house of God, the beautiful abode of the Holy Spirit radiant with holy living.
May we continue to unite as the Church and as the Body of Christ and be a sign of salvation to the world.
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