Thursday, 11 November 2021

The wages of bearing a heavy cross, joy abounds Luke, 14:25-33

Becoming a disciple of Jesus is often faced with controversial phenomena or teachings.  Not infrequently what Jesus taught did not make sense to the people in His environment.  Including how to become His disciples as narrated in today's Gospel.

 Loving parents in the books of wisdom is a virtue that every child should do.  Loving and respecting parents is not just an invitation but this is a command and obligation so that children get happiness.  Likewise with loving husband, wife and children.

 But Jesus taught something that seemed to contradict the teachings of this wisdom.  Jesus said, if a man comes to me and does not hate his father, mother, wife, children, brothers or sisters, even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.

 Isn't this a harsh teaching?  This is not a popular teaching, because if you hate your parents and family you can be said to be a disobedient child.

 Did Jesus teach His disciples to be disobedient?  If that's what Jesus taught, it's unlikely that Jesus had disciples.  So what did Jesus want?

 There are two types of parents in teaching their children.  First, parents teach their children to develop into mature and independent children.  And secondly, parents who love their children so much that all their desires are fulfilled, and this actually makes the child always dependent and attached to the parents or anyone asked by the parents to take care of this child.

 This second child development, which most parents do not want.  I believe many parents expect their children to grow up to be mature and independent, not dependent on their parents.

 Love that causes dependence will inhibit a person's growth and development.  Likewise, love attached to worldly things will hinder the development of one's faith.

 What Jesus wants to teach in today's Gospel story is that whoever loves Him, no more than his love for those closest to him, is not worthy of being His disciple.  That is, loving Jesus must be greater and total than loving those closest to him.  Parents and family symbolize what is closest to a person and to him the most deserving of the greatest love.

 This is what Jesus expected of His disciples.  The disciples are required to love God totally.  Don't let his love for individuals or for certain things actually hinder his love for God.  This total love for God is finally shared with the closest people, to work or to anyone and anything.

 Is it heavy?

 It's really hard, but that's what being a disciple of Jesus is like.  We must have the courage to bear the heavy cross to have abundant joy.  Success in building faith and victory in inner warfare will bring deep joy to us.


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