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Friday, 26 November 2021

Jerusalem, the holy city, where the Jewish people gather every year, is now prophesied to be destroyed by foreign occupation.

The holy city of Jerusalem

Jerusalem, the holy city, where the Jewish people gather every year, is now prophesied to be destroyed by foreign occupation.  The Jews will no longer control Jerusalem, it will be the foreigners who will occupy Jerusalem.  Even Jesus asserted that those who would occupy Jerusalem were nations that did not know God.  Thus, Jerusalem, which had been the religious center of the Jews, would become a pagan place.  Previously it was also prophesied that the temple would be destroyed, not one stone would rest on another stone.

 That is the old Jerusalem, the Jerusalem that only relies on the beauty of the physical building.  Jesus came and promised the coming of a new Jerusalem, which was Himself the one who brought salvation.  The old Jerusalem will be destroyed and their identity will be lost.  The new Jerusalem will rise and gather all the nations, not only the Jews but anyone who will come and accept God's offer of salvation.  The new Jerusalem will not only bring together one nation but an entire nation.  The new Jerusalem is not just the beauty of the temple building but the majesty and majesty of the crucified Christ.

 We live in the new Jerusalem.  It is also necessary to have a lifestyle that is in accordance with the new Jerusalem.  Old Jerusalem emphasized rules and laws.  The main rule and law in the new Jerusalem is the law of love.  The law of love is fully in Christ Jesus, the Son of the living God.  The law of love is no longer written in stone or inscriptions but is engraved with gold ink in the Holy Body.

 We eat the Holy Body every time we celebrate the Eucharist.  Thus we become the dwelling place of the Law of Love itself.  Our bodies become a field of struggle to implement the law.  That is the new Jerusalem, where we express and embody the law of Christ.  It is we who become the law of love with the main basis being Christ.  The new Jerusalem becomes a field for us to be good Samaritans.  Making all people neighbors is the newness of the old Jerusalem.  Precisely because of worship, a believer must dare to act like the good Samaritan.

 This is what we prepare to welcome Him who will come at any time.  Perseverance in prayer and at the same time persevering in making others for others is a concrete form of preparation for each of us.  By doing so, we will survive the lion's den and live to proclaim God's great and wondrous works.

Mount Tabor At the top is the Basilica and the Franciscan monastery. On this mountain stand three chapels dedicated to Jesus, Moses and Elijah. During the Crusades, these three chapels were combined into a beautiful basilica.

Mount Tabor 

Mount Tabor is located in the north of Israel.  Precisely at the eastern end of the Jezreel Valley, west of the Sea of ​​Galilee.  Now the Peak can be reached by vehicle, but in the past visitors had to reach it by climbing 4,340 steps.


 At the top of this mountain is the Basilica of the Transfiguration and the Franciscan monastery.  On this mountain stand three chapels dedicated to Jesus, Moses and Elijah.  During the Crusades, these three chapels were combined into a beautiful basilica.

 The Transfiguration of Christ is the event where Jesus is glorified on a mountain and meets Moses and Elijah.  His face was radiant and full of glory.  This is the pinnacle of the spirituality of Jesus.  On this occasion, three of His disciples, namely Peter, James and John, were with Him.  The light of glory that shone from the face of Jesus taught the disciples that the sad event that would be experienced by Him would lead them to victory, glory, that behind insults and insults there would be glory that would strengthen them in their lives to follow the Master.

 Chapel of the Ascension of Jesus to Heaven

The Mount of Olives became the place where Jesus sent His disciples throughout the world to bring the good news of the gospel to all nations.  The Holy Spirit will come upon you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.  (Acts 1:8).

 At the top of this hill is believed to be the site of Jesus' ascension to heaven.  In 376 a rotuda was built and in 438 an oratorium and monastery were added.  During the Crusades, the warriors erected an octagonal church with columns supporting the dome.  The dome is open, beneath which is the rock that according to legend Jesus stepped on and left footprints before ascending to heaven.  Every year before commemorating the day of the Ascension of Jesus, OFM monks hold a festive service here.

Thursday, 25 November 2021

Michelangelo's amazing painting on the roof of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican Italy - this painting depicts: the story in the book of Genesis, the fall of man.

Michelangelo's Paintings

In 1512, after 4 years finally Michelangelo was able to finish his famous painting which is so amazing on the roof of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican Italy - this painting depicts: the story in the book of Genesis, the fall of man, the genealogy of Jesus, & also the work of salvation etc.

 But over time, also because of the candle smoke in the church, and dust etc., it all slowly began to cover the beauty of the painting.  So in 1984-1999 a restoration project for the painting was carried out.

 Prior to 1999, many tourists who visited the Sistine Chapel who saw the large painting work mostly thought, although the work was large, graceful and stunning, but the colors were too dark, dim and the painting looked less than bright myopic.  However, after the restoration was completed in 1999, the artwork has managed to return to the way it was when the creator painted it.  The original brilliance that had been hidden for hundreds of years has been brought back to life, graceful, stunning beauty with a variety of beautiful color contrasts can once again be enjoyed by everyone who visits the Sistine Chapel.

Likewise with the beauty of all God's blessings in our lives, but sadly, there are many things that are familiar in life-such as candle smoke, and the immunity of our hearts being ungrateful, and often forgetting to give thanks for the blessings.  It's just like dust, starting to slowly erode making the beauty of God the Creator's artwork slowly disappear and look increasingly dim.


 Every morning. if the sunshine on the eastern horizon that rises faithfully cannot make your heart meet with thanksgiving;  if a cool breeze can't wake your heart and sing praises for the air you breathe;  if the chirping of the sparrows has not been able to raise your heart to sing hymns and cheer for God's faithfulness in His care for your life.! OR Should the sentence after the words above read something like: "if I recover from cancer stage 4  incurable;  or if I could survive a bruising to a fatal car crash;  or if my house does not burn, though the whole village is destroyed by fire;  if I get a promotion at my job with a double salary “….then we can be shocked to give thanks to God?

 M A K A Come on in this Thanksgiving season, we all carry out restoration projects for our spirituality, so that the beauty of the Creator's work in our lives may once again shine brightly and the heart of our creator God may be accepted!

 Then Jesus said, "Weren't all the ten men clean? Where are the nine? Has none of them returned to glorify God except this stranger?" (Luke 17:17-18)

Wednesday, 24 November 2021

Be Faithful Disciples of Christ. Not being a wolf for others or other religions (homo homini lupus). Luke, 21:12-19

Suffering and persecution will always be a part of human history.  Often we find that humans become wolves for others (homo homini lupus).  Life is not easy, it requires struggle to get something or to achieve something, often justifies various ways to pursue it.  Sacrificing others becomes an effective and easy way.  There are almost always victims in many life events.

 Likewise in the dynamics of the life of faith.  There are many challenges and obstacles that are often faced by religious people when they want to express their faith.  Certain religious rituals are often considered strange and untrue because they are not used to seeing them or fail to understand the rituals of other religions.  While each religion has a different expression of faith, it has a different rite.  If there is not sufficient explanation, the expression of faith in other religions is always a source of conflict.

 Jesus reminds us as Christians to be alert and ready when the time comes for us to experience obstacles in our faith.  Obstacles will always exist and there will be attempts to weaken us as believers.  Now, all of us are challenged to remain completely faithful to God, take up our cross in life and follow God.

 Are we able to dedicate ourselves with passion and commitment to serve the glory of God in our lives?  Are we willing and able to stand up for our faith when the situation demands it?  Are we able to live this life with sincere love for God and be witnesses of His truth in our lives?

 These are the questions we should have, to remind us and to strengthen us in our determination to be faithful disciples of Christ.  It is the waves of life that will be the field of our struggle.  The quality of our faith is further tested by this.  A reliable captain must be able to pass through thousands of powerful waves of sea water.  Without it, he would not be able to become a reliable captain.

 Let's learn from the simple things in life.  We see these simple things and live within the framework of our lives as believers.  God is with us, strengthening us and empowering us in our journey of life, now and forever.

Tuesday, 23 November 2021

The temple is a place where we gather and pray. Jesus is the living temple of God, instead he must experience death because of the temple of God

It is a joy in itself when we can see, witness and feel magnificent buildings, beautiful and cool natural scenery, also the face of someone who is beautiful and so on.  These are all human facts for which we should be grateful.  We are grateful that we are able to enjoy it with the senses we have.  Each of us would want everything to be good and beautiful, from our behavior to the behavior of the universe.

 This is our reality as human beings who are capable of thinking and acting.  But that ability is also often the destroyer of the beauty that is around us.  Even one's own beauty is marred by our own thoughts and actions.  Humans who are so great and noble have actually become so low because of our own actions.

 The temple is a place where we gather and pray.  The temple of Allah is our place to meet Allah.  In the temple building we express our faith.  The temple of God as a magnificent building is indeed needed.  But if only the physical building is important, the Temple will only become a place for ordinary gatherings, even a market.

 Returning the altar that was made into the market is not an easy action, it even involves a big risk.  Jesus, who is the living temple of God, had to experience death because of the temple.  Updates often have to go through difficult risks.

 The church also needs to continually renew itself, evaluate itself.  Because of its convenience and stability, it often happens and it is not easy.  Isn't that what happens in parishes?  Often a reformer has to face persecution, torture, rejection, and that's where we as Christians are challenged to dare to open up to the thoughts of others or not.

Because of faith, Jesus reminds us to persevere to the end even though we have to face a lot of suffering.  The condition is one, we must survive.  Not fighting, not dodging, not running but defending.  Enduring in His name, we will be given a way.

Let us continually surrender our lives to God's providence.  Thus, our life is full of fruits that abound with goodness and truth.

Monday, 22 November 2021


The widow at Zarephath was willing to GIVE BREAD FROM HIS LACK to the prophet Elijah.

 The poor widow who put the offering into the treasury was praised by Jesus because the widow gave of her lack.  The Widow of Zarephath and the Poor Widow are examples of believers who imitate Jesus Christ who was willing to lay down His life for the salvation of the world.

 These two widows who are both poor give up what they need in life to help others who need them more.  They give willingly without expecting any appreciation or praise or reward.  we must always be ready to help anyone who is always in need, even if we have to sacrifice something that we really need.  For the greater the sacrifice, the greater the reward from God (Mark 12:14).

 Giving something to others in need, when we ourselves are also in need, is NOT EASY.  But herein lies the VALUE OF GIVING.  The value of that gift becomes REALLY HIGH, BECAUSE WE GIVE FROM WHAT WE NEED, NOT WHAT WE DON'T NEED.  We give from our lack and not from our abundance.  We ourselves want to use the item, but because for the sake of others we help, we let it go.  Here is the role of our hearts that are willing to sacrifice.

 There are people who give donations / donations in fairly large amounts but the amount is nothing compared to their wealth.  He gave out of excess, so in it there was no element of sacrifice and therefore became less valuable in the eyes of Jesus.  So the value of giving someone who gives a lot is NOT necessarily more meaningful than someone who gives a little.  This also means that THE ACTION OF GIVING ALSO DOES NOT DEPEND ON WHETHER PEOPLE HAVE A LOT OR LITTLE.  One should not think that because he does not have much he does not need to give anything to the church.  Giving means that there is an ASPECT of SACRIFICE in it.

 In addition, Jesus saw that the value of a gift lies not in the amount, but in the heart of the person who gave it.  How is our mood BEFORE giving alms, WHEN/TIME to give alms, and AFTER giving alms.  Before giving, we should not give out of necessity.  When we give, don't let us give with regret.  After giving, lest we make our alms/gifts an excuse to demand too much or demand various things or start doing calculations.

 My brethren, Be like the widow of Zarephath and the poor widow who dedicated her whole heart to God through our good works to others.  That is what pleases Him.

The resurrection of the dead throughout Israel's history has always been an interesting debate. What is life after death?

The resurrection of the dead throughout Israel's history has always been an interesting debate.  Some groups of Jews believed in a resurrection but some Sadducees did not or did not believe in a bodily resurrection.  They also do not believe in angels and spirits, much less in the resurrection after death.  This unbelief is the context of their question to Jesus.  They imagine life after the resurrection as much as life today.  And their question is very relevant with regard to the law of the levirate.

 This question becomes our question in general, namely how life after death.  We believe and believe that there is a resurrection and eternal life.  But as to how exactly or how the resurrection technique was, we can only speculate.  In line with the question of the Sadducees, nowadays what often becomes our debate is what about people who have died and are not buried, but cremated.  Anxiety thought of many people is one of the issues of bodily resurrection.  If his body was destroyed, how would he in time get up again, using whose body?

 The Church believes that God's power is far beyond our debates like that.  God has ways and ways that we can never understand.  As Jesus answered, the resurrection after death is an entirely new resurrection or life, with a new body, together with the angels.  Because our God is the God of the living, not the God of the dead.

 The dialogue between Jesus and the Sadducees shows a debate between human law, in this context the law of Moses and God's own law.  The Mosaic Law spoke of the prohibitions and taboos on what the Jews could and could not do.  The benchmark is a matter of can and can't.  Such a law turns out to be different from the new law brought by Jesus.  The benchmark is not what is allowed or not, but what is more important is the open heart to God's will.  What is clear is that God's law requires His people to have life, not death.  While the law of Moses mostly made people die.

 We as humans, as part of society, live by mutually agreed rules and laws.  Obedience to existing laws is one of the virtues that must always be fought for.  Don't let us become pioneers in breaking the law.

 Today Jesus reminds us to be able to wisely judge about the law, whether the law gives life or kills someone.  In this regard, the Church has had a change of attitude with regard to laws.  One of the most recent is the simplification of the marriage annulment process.  What we want to strive for is so that more and more people can live with these changes, not that their lives will be turned off.  May we also dare to look more closely, not the law of death that we carry but the law of life.

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Menurut pandangan saya, agama dan spiritualitas adalah dua konsep yang berbeda meskipun terkait erat. Agama adalah pengorganisasian gagasan-...