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Monday, 22 November 2021


The widow at Zarephath was willing to GIVE BREAD FROM HIS LACK to the prophet Elijah.

 The poor widow who put the offering into the treasury was praised by Jesus because the widow gave of her lack.  The Widow of Zarephath and the Poor Widow are examples of believers who imitate Jesus Christ who was willing to lay down His life for the salvation of the world.

 These two widows who are both poor give up what they need in life to help others who need them more.  They give willingly without expecting any appreciation or praise or reward.  we must always be ready to help anyone who is always in need, even if we have to sacrifice something that we really need.  For the greater the sacrifice, the greater the reward from God (Mark 12:14).

 Giving something to others in need, when we ourselves are also in need, is NOT EASY.  But herein lies the VALUE OF GIVING.  The value of that gift becomes REALLY HIGH, BECAUSE WE GIVE FROM WHAT WE NEED, NOT WHAT WE DON'T NEED.  We give from our lack and not from our abundance.  We ourselves want to use the item, but because for the sake of others we help, we let it go.  Here is the role of our hearts that are willing to sacrifice.

 There are people who give donations / donations in fairly large amounts but the amount is nothing compared to their wealth.  He gave out of excess, so in it there was no element of sacrifice and therefore became less valuable in the eyes of Jesus.  So the value of giving someone who gives a lot is NOT necessarily more meaningful than someone who gives a little.  This also means that THE ACTION OF GIVING ALSO DOES NOT DEPEND ON WHETHER PEOPLE HAVE A LOT OR LITTLE.  One should not think that because he does not have much he does not need to give anything to the church.  Giving means that there is an ASPECT of SACRIFICE in it.

 In addition, Jesus saw that the value of a gift lies not in the amount, but in the heart of the person who gave it.  How is our mood BEFORE giving alms, WHEN/TIME to give alms, and AFTER giving alms.  Before giving, we should not give out of necessity.  When we give, don't let us give with regret.  After giving, lest we make our alms/gifts an excuse to demand too much or demand various things or start doing calculations.

 My brethren, Be like the widow of Zarephath and the poor widow who dedicated her whole heart to God through our good works to others.  That is what pleases Him.

The resurrection of the dead throughout Israel's history has always been an interesting debate. What is life after death?

The resurrection of the dead throughout Israel's history has always been an interesting debate.  Some groups of Jews believed in a resurrection but some Sadducees did not or did not believe in a bodily resurrection.  They also do not believe in angels and spirits, much less in the resurrection after death.  This unbelief is the context of their question to Jesus.  They imagine life after the resurrection as much as life today.  And their question is very relevant with regard to the law of the levirate.

 This question becomes our question in general, namely how life after death.  We believe and believe that there is a resurrection and eternal life.  But as to how exactly or how the resurrection technique was, we can only speculate.  In line with the question of the Sadducees, nowadays what often becomes our debate is what about people who have died and are not buried, but cremated.  Anxiety thought of many people is one of the issues of bodily resurrection.  If his body was destroyed, how would he in time get up again, using whose body?

 The Church believes that God's power is far beyond our debates like that.  God has ways and ways that we can never understand.  As Jesus answered, the resurrection after death is an entirely new resurrection or life, with a new body, together with the angels.  Because our God is the God of the living, not the God of the dead.

 The dialogue between Jesus and the Sadducees shows a debate between human law, in this context the law of Moses and God's own law.  The Mosaic Law spoke of the prohibitions and taboos on what the Jews could and could not do.  The benchmark is a matter of can and can't.  Such a law turns out to be different from the new law brought by Jesus.  The benchmark is not what is allowed or not, but what is more important is the open heart to God's will.  What is clear is that God's law requires His people to have life, not death.  While the law of Moses mostly made people die.

 We as humans, as part of society, live by mutually agreed rules and laws.  Obedience to existing laws is one of the virtues that must always be fought for.  Don't let us become pioneers in breaking the law.

 Today Jesus reminds us to be able to wisely judge about the law, whether the law gives life or kills someone.  In this regard, the Church has had a change of attitude with regard to laws.  One of the most recent is the simplification of the marriage annulment process.  What we want to strive for is so that more and more people can live with these changes, not that their lives will be turned off.  May we also dare to look more closely, not the law of death that we carry but the law of life.

"Master, what must I do, to have eternal life?" so asked a rich young man (Mark 10:17-30

According to Jesus, the first way: Obeying God's Commandments (10 Commandments), this first method must be complemented by the second way: Following Jesus in life, because Jesus is the way to eternal life;  However, this second method needs to meet 2 conditions, namely:

  1.  trusting themselves sincerely in God's guidance where people are challenged to break free from attachments to personal desires and desires: money, place, people, position/position (worldly things).  Attachment in any form that is only temporary in nature, often shackles people and makes it difficult to let go and often leads people away from happiness.  All our hearts and minds are primarily for God and not for other things that can shift God's position in our hearts and minds.
  2. triving to live the Word of God in our daily life. As humans, we often act like the young man Jesus told about in today's Gospel.  The young man was so attached and preferred to follow the call of earthly treasures than to follow the call of heavenly treasures.  We too often find it difficult to separate our hearts from our possessions to follow Jesus, the Owner of Everything.  For example, we find it difficult to leave our favorite android cellphone for only one hour to pray the Rosary or personal prayer.  We are so attached to money, wealth, position, our hobbies, even worse, we have the heart to sacrifice other people to get the property and wealth we want.

 Wealth has turned people's hearts into greed and blocked the way to meet God.  Humans no longer really believe in God, but more strongly believe in material wealth that brings flattery, praise and honor.  Are we more sensitive to the call to hunt for earthly riches or to hunt for heavenly treasures?  Do we dare to let go of our wealth and share it with others or is the worry of losing worldly possessions very strong in our hearts if we want to share with others?

 Furthermore, the disciples' questions sometimes also become our questions: What about us who have left everything and have tried to sacrifice to follow Jesus, whether the sacrifice of time, energy, thoughts or property?  Are there any advantages that we get?  Maybe we also compare our lives with other people who seem to sacrifice a little, but get name, praise and appreciation?  It can be painful for us.

 But Jesus explained that all sacrifices for God will surely be rewarded (verse 30).  Those who have to lose something because of following Christ, will receive a double reward in exchange for all the losses suffered.  God does not turn a blind eye to all that.  God sees, notices and appreciates all of it.  He does not neglect those who have sacrificed everything to follow the One who has it all.  What we need to pay attention to is that the sacrifice of time, energy, thought, and property in serving others should not be based on the shadow of the award we will receive from God.

 Do our service as a form of gratitude and our gratitude to Him, who has trusted us and who has given us the opportunity to do good serving Him in our fellow human beings.

 My brethren, today's Gospel invites us to repent and dare to break away from absolute attachments to money, wealth, position, pleasures and worldly pleasures that often keep us from the Owner of Everything and live eternally with him in the Kingdom of God.

Sunday, 21 November 2021


a celebration that wants to remind us that Jesus is King in this universe.  As King, His presence is a Blessing to HUMANITY.  The greatest blessing we receive from Him is HIS EXAMPLE OF LIFE to us, LIFE TO LOVE EACH OTHER.  The example of life He manifested by the miracles He did both healing and feeding, then atonement for our sins through His death on the cross.

 My brethren, let us ask ourselves: Is Jesus still the king who reigns and reigns in each of us, in our families, in society, and in the midst of life in this universe?  Are we still providing the best time in our daily lives for Jesus the Lord?

 It is not uncommon for JESUS ​​to be neglected in our daily lives.  He is indeed the king who resides within us, but often we don't greet him, we are ignorant and don't care about him, we don't ask for his advice and considerations.  Maybe all this time we "KING" OTHER THINGS OUTSIDE Christ.  We want POWER OVER OURSELVES so that we forget Jesus who is in fact the king who rules over us.

 The Lord Jesus as the King of the Universe is truly a BLESSING for us.  Let us open the eyes of our hearts so that we find and feel God's blessings for us every day.  Next, let the Lord Jesus always be king in our hearts.  Let Him lead our hearts so that more and more people receive His blessings, the King of the Universe.

Saturday, 20 November 2021

My house is a house of prayer, don't make it a den of thieves. Luke, 7:45-48

Jesus was angry when the synagogue was turned into a trading place.

People who like high cholesterol foods will result in themselves having excess cholesterol.  A person who likes to eat and drink sweet, is likely to get sick with diabetes.  People who like to eat red meat or who have high blood content, it is almost certain that he will get high blood pressure.  In other words, what we eat can tell us who we are.

 Jesus reminds us that the temple is a house of prayer.  In a new perspective, Saint Paul says that our body is the temple of God.  The temple of God is the house of God.  And if God's house is a house of prayer, then our body is also a house of prayer.

Jesus reminded that each of us is actually a house of prayer.  If our bodies are filled with the elements of robbers, it is certain that the house of prayer will turn into a house of thieves.  What was supposed to be a place of sanctification but instead the house of prayer became a place of robbery.  Thus, it can be understood that what comes out of us is not a sanctifying element but an element of sin.

Basically our body is where God is present.  We are the temple of the living God.  What kind of temple our God wants to be, completely depends on what goes into us.  If good habits enter the body then what comes out of our body is good too.  If goodness and holiness are what is in each of us, our lives and work will bring more goodness and blessings to everyone.

 Remember these words of Jesus and let us always honor the house of God and the Altar.  Our reverence is an indication of the faith and love we have for God.

The Lord Jesus cleanses the temple” describes how Jesus was very angry with the merchants and money changers in the court of the temple.  He overturned the tables of merchants including scattering the money of the changers and making whips to drive the merchants away.

 The source of the problem behind buying and selling animals and exchanging money is the practice of collusion and injustice as well as abuse of authority for self or group interests.  Small people who will worship and offer sacrifices in the temple of God are forced to buy sacrificial materials and animal sacrifices at a much higher price.  They also have to exchange their money for money that is considered legitimate, at a much more expensive and stifling price.

This situation is what Jesus judged as a "den of robbers" or a breeding ground for evil.  This is also where Jesus actually wants to purify the HUMAN HEART which is full of SELF-INTEREST AND GREED.

 For the sake of the oppressed and disadvantaged small community, God is willing to do anything and is ready to deal with anyone.

He warned the crowds, "Don't turn my Father's house into a place to sell."  It is true that it is written, “The love of your house will consume me” (Psalm 69:10).

Similar things, now also often occur in our places of worship, for example the sound of cellphones during Eucharist celebrations, texting during worship or the Eucharist, dressing inappropriately, chatting or making noise that disturbs the solemnity, even gossiping happily in church,  etc.  Therefore, this action of Jesus may also awaken us all.  We are invited to truly create and maintain a holy place of worship so that everyone who comes can truly experience an encounter with God, praise and glorify His name and experience His love to be distributed to others.

We are the temple of God, the abode of the Holy Spirit where we unite with the Most Holy Triune God when we are sanctified by baptism.  Is our life still clean now, not like the market?

Regardless of whether we are beautiful or not, handsome or not, black or white, skinny or fat, WE ALL ARE ALL THE HOLY TEMPLE OF GOD.  We all have an obligation to be the temple of God, the new temple of God.  We are a Church that must always be cleansed and rebuilt, so that we live in an intimate relationship with God.

Lent is a time of repentance and a time to purify the heart through various spiritual practices.  Obedience and a good relationship with God, must be reflected in our relationship to others.  

May our hearts truly BECOME HOLY AND NOT DETERMINED BY VARIOUS KINDS OF SELF-INTEREST AND PERSONAL AMBITIONS.  Controlling the heart is a wise choice of attitude that must be fought for constantly.

Friday, 19 November 2021

Marriage is a sacred thing that must be lived with a big heart and soul. There is no right or wrong word. every second, Becoming a learning time for a harmonious family.

Much water cannot quench it, rivers cannot wash it away.  We were designed for Togetherness ~ the three-piece rope doesn't break easily. Even though living together is not as easy as the theory we often read.

 We have lived a lot of pain and happiness.  There is a lot of tolerance that must be shared, even though it is not easy....There are times when the personal ego always wants to be respected.  There are times when the word sorry feels difficult to give to your beloved husband or wife.

 Marriage is a sacred institution that must be lived with a big heart and soul..... there is never a word wrong and right..... every second, it's not enough just to learn..... but have to work hard and try tirelessly  to keep the marriage intact.

 Marriage is a partnership in which one inspires the other, and brings fruit to both.  Marriage is the last, best opportunity for growth, there is no relationship, union or friendship more loving, friendly and joyful than a good marriage.  The true measure of love is to love without measure.

 A happy marriage is not because we find a suitable partner, but because we want to be a suitable partner.  We should not force our partners to match ourselves with us, but we must match ourselves with our partners.  The purpose of marriage is not to have the same thoughts, but to think together.

 Many miracles come unexpectedly...Sometimes the comfort I thought... turned out to be a storm and the other way around.  All return to sincere intentions without prejudice.  Happiness and sadness will come in time.... All of these are signs that God still loves us.

 “Unless the Lord builds the house, in vain are those who build it;  If it is not God who guards the city, the guards are in vain to keep watch."

 "Love is patient; love is kind; it is not jealous. It does not boast and it is not arrogant. It does not act immodestly and does not seek its own benefit. It is not short-tempered and does not hold onto the faults of others. It does not rejoice over injustice.  , but because of the truth. He covers all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails; therefore, what God has joined together, man must not separate."

 "For I believe that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, neither present nor future, nor powers, nor above nor below, nor any creature  otherwise, nothing can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus.

Thursday, 18 November 2021

Yesus Menangisi Yerusalem Tentu Sungguh Mengharukan. Mengapa Yesus menangisi kota tua Tersebut ? Lukas 19:41-44

Pada waktu itu ketika Yesus mendekati Yerusalem dan melihat kota itu, Ia menangisinya, katanya, “Wahai Yerusalem, alangkah baiknya andaikan pada hari ini juga engkau mengerti apa yang perlu untuk damai sejahteramu! Tetapi sekarang hal itu tersembunyi bagi matamu. 

Sebab akan datang harinya, musuhmu mengelilingi engkau dengan kubu, lalu mengepung dan menghimpit engkau dari segala jurusan. Dan mereka akan membinasakan dikau beserta semua pendudukmu. Tembokmu akan dirobohkan dan tiada satu batu pun akan dibiarkan terletak di atas batu yang lain. Sebab engkau tidak mengetahui saat Allah melawati engkau.

 hanya 2 kali Injil mengisahkan  Tuhan Yesus menangis. Pertama, Tuhan menangis saat mendengar Lazarus meninggal. Kedua, Tuhan Yesus menangisi nasib orang-orang Yerusalem yang akan hancur beserta seluruh kotanya. Kisah ini menegaskan betapa Tuhan memperhatikan hidup dan keselamatan manusia.

 Tuhan sangat peduli terhadap derita manusia. Ia menebus manusia dari segala dosa dan menuntun pada jalan keselamatan.  Cinta kasih, persaudaraan dan belarasa merupakan pewartaan, ajaran dan kesaksian hidup Tuhan selama hidupNya. Para murid dipanggil untuk meneladan dan mengikuti Dia agar hidup saling mengasihi, berbelarasa dan saling membukakan jalan keselamatan. 

Yerusalem dikenal sebagai kota yg kudus bahkan kota dimana Yesus menjumpai umatNya & umatNya mengelu-elukan menyambut Dia. Tetapi ketika Yesus telah dekat dan melihat kota itu, Ia menangis. 

Mengapa Yesus menangis? 

Karena Yesus sangat mengasihi mereka yg akan binasa karena umatnya & para pemimpin sibuk dg hal2 yg kelihatan rohani tapi ujung2nya menolak Dia. 

Keadaan ini tanpa kita sadari sama dg apa yg sering kita lakukan. Ketika beribadah, ketika melayani, kelihatannya sangay rohani & kita sangat prepare mempersiapkan segala sesuatunya bahkan siap menyambut kehadiran Tuhan. Tapi ketika Yesus melihat kita, Dia justru menangis. 

Pelajaran apa yg perlu kita ambil agar ketika Tuhan melihat kita, Dia tersenyum?

  1. Belajar mengerti apa yg perlu untuk damai sejahtera kita - ayat 42. Hal2 yg bersifat lahiriah bukan sumber damai sejahtera kita. Sumber damai itu sendiri adalah Kristus. Kita perlu Yesus di atas semua keperluan kita.
  2. Jangan sibuk dg hal2 yg tdk esensial. Band. Marta dan Maria. Mempersiapkan pelayanan dan melayani adalah hal yg penting tapi yang lebih penting adalah mendengar Tuhan berfirman dan mengerti isi hati Tuhan. Itu adalah bagian yg tdk akan pernah dapat diambil dari kita.
  3. Sadari ada musuh yg mengelilingi kita - ayat 43. Tuhan menghendaki keselamatan tetapi Iblis ingin kebinasaan. 
  4. Jangan pernah mengabaikan lawatan Tuhan. Ketika beribadah jgn setengah2. Mensengar firman jgn masuk kanan keluar kiri karena itu akan berdampak sangat buruk. 
  5. Memiliki rasa lapar dan haus akan Tuhan. Band. Zakheus - kelemahannya tdk menghalanginya untuk melihat Yesus.

Yesus menangisi Yerusalem tentu sungguh mengharukan. Mengapa Yesus menangisi kota tua ini? Hal ini menggambarkan, betapa usaha Allah untuk menyelamatkan manusia namun tawaran keselamatan hanya mengecewakan. Manusia tidak mengenali siapa yang melawati mereka.

Peringatan ini tentu juga berlaku bagi kita semua. Betapa kasih karunia yang ditawarkan kepada kita dalam hidup ini menjadi sia-sia karena kita tidak mampu memahami bahwa Allah telah melawati kita dalam kehidupan di dunia ini. 

Apakah Yesus tidak menangisi kita juga? Apakah kita masih mau mengembangkan kepekaan seperti itu? Apa yang perlu kita perhatikan?

Ada hikmat yang mendalam dari kisah Injil hari ini, yakni Anak Allah menaruh hati yang mendalam pada suasana kehidupan yang pantas diratapi. Tentu ratap tangis itu bukan ratap tangis keputusasaan melainkan tanda belarasa dan setia kawan yang mendalam. Dengan ratapan ini diharapkan rasa pilu masih bisa muncul dari hati yang keras. Hati baru bisa muncul karena rindu akan kebaikan dan kedamaian.

Dosa dan kejahatan tidak pernah bisa membawa kita kedamaian hati. Maka marilah kita membuka mata dan mengenali tanda-tanda yang mengarahkan hati kita menuju kedamaian, mohon pengampunan dan penyembuhan sehingga kedamaian Tuhan yang memerintah di hati kita. 

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