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Monday, 28 June 2021

Easy Mother's Story When Not Ready to Be a Mother.

Beautiful easy mom

 My son, you were born when I wasn't ready to be a mother.

 Even you grew up when my friends were still traveling around the world..

 People say, I educate you..

 In fact, you are the one who taught me wisdom.

 They say, I take care of you..

 In fact, you are the one who took care of my soul to survive until now..

 They say, I love you.. even though your love for me is unconditional... Even though no matter how much I hurt your little heart with my high tone.

 They say, I raised you.. even though you strengthened my footing..

Beautiful easy mom

 I'm sorry mom..

 For every anger that is channeled at you.. just because of trivial things..

 Mother sinned against you,

 For every rude treatment just because of a trivial thing..

 Sometimes, I feel that I don't deserve to be your parent.. you deserve to be happy to have a mother who is better than me.

 You are the place where we learn many things..

 The first place where all love and hope is poured out...

 Once upon a time, when I was gone

 And you remember me as a grumpy mother.. so, read this son..

 No matter what the world says, you will always be Mom's first love, forever..

 A warm hug from your imperfect mother

Hari Raya Kelahiran Santo Yohanes Pembaptis- Umat Khatolik


Kita mungkin bertanya-tanya, mengapa kelahiran Yohanes Pembaptis dirayakan begitu besar oleh Gereja. Kita bisa mendapatkan gambarannya dari arti namanya.

Yohanes dalam bahasa Ibrani  Yehohanan, yang berarti Allah itu pengasih dan Allah menunjukkan kasih karunia-Nya. Karena dalam Yohanes Pembaptis, Allah menunjukkan perkenanan-Nya bukan hanya kepada Zakharia dan Elizabeth dengan memberkati mereka memperoleh seorang anak.

Allah menunjukkan kebaikan-Nya kepada seluruh umat manusia. Karena sebelum Yohanes Pembaptis lahir, suara kenabian di Israel telah dibungkam selama 400 tahun. Ketika Yohanes Pembaptis lahir, ia menghembuskan api dan mengkhotbahkan guntur. Semuanya itu adalah untuk mempersiapkan jalan bagi kedatangan Yesus Kristus.

Santo Yohanes Pembaptis mempersiapkan orang-orang untuk menerima kasih karunia dari Allah. Dia mempersiapkan orang-orang untuk menerima Yesus yang dipenuhi dengan kasih karunia dan kebenaran. 

Apa yang Yohanes Pembaptis lakukan untuk orang-orang di zamannya, harus juga kita lakukan untuk sesama kita sekarang ini. Kita pun harus bisa mempersiapkan umat untuk menerima kemurahan Allah. 

Nama Yohanes berarti Allah itu pengasih dan Allah menunjukkan kemurahan-Nya. Kita memiliki nama yang lebih penting. Kita disebut Kristen, itu berarti bahwa kita harus menjadi Kristus yang lain bagi dunia ini. Semoga kita dipenuhi dengan rahmat dan kasih karunia Allah untuk mewujudkan misi kita.

If you want people to do good to you, then do the same to them, for your reward is great in heaven.

 Jesus denounced the Pharisees because they were so concerned with their rules that they ignored God's commandments.  Their rules often obscure Allah's commands so that for the sake of the rules they make, Allah's commands are violated.

 God's command you ignore to hold on to human customs.  How clever you are to set aside the commandments of God so that you can keep your own customs.

 Important for us to ponder in the message of the Gospel are practical life guidelines that can be lived by anyone in order to obtain happiness.  Do not do to others what you would not like others to do to you.  Another important thing is that life is a choice.

 That choice will determine a person's future.  There are hard choices and there are easy choices.  Jesus emphasized that easy choices will lead people to destruction.  But difficult choices such as taking up the cross or denying oneself will lead people to true happiness.

 Jesus expects us not to avoid difficult choices because they often lead to happiness.  God is with us.

Sunday, 27 June 2021

Ma Yun's talk about the influence of Christian culture is worth considering!

Yun Ma

 When it comes to Christian culture, people will naturally join the United States of America, but in reality, the United States of America is not what we think of as a “Christian country”. It must be said that the Christian faith in the background of the Hebrew civilization has greatly influenced all aspects of American society.  Despite the serious secularization of America today, Christian culture is still the core and soul of American culture.

 Chinese entrepreneur Jack Ma, who is the principal founder and current chairman and CEO of Alibaba Group, was recently mentioned in Umi's "On the Road" speech.  Development is based on Christian culture, and the legal system is built on Christian culture..."

 Excerpts from Jack Ma

 "Happiness is found alone. I am talking about the rapid development of China's economy today, but our value system and cultural system are crumbling. The earliest new cultural movements destroyed the old culture without building a new culture. Many of our value systems have been confused. Some scholars today do not  completely agree that China is not a legal society. It seems that with a set of laws we can solve this problem, not that."

 "Was the development of the United States because of the legal system? That this person is beautiful is because of her beautiful nose. No. Everyone remembers that the development of American society is based on a Christian culture. Building a legal system based on a Christian culture, and building a political system within this legal system. The electoral system  for the leader they are founded on. The whole system is much more complicated than you think. This is just the simple part. If our cultural value system were to be destroyed today, we would take some values ​​from others. This system is equivalent to building on the beach, which  cannot be built."

 "We need to reinvent the value system so that young people understand not to blame others for being rich, but how I want to change myself. I am not shaken that you will find a value system for us, for this country, for China,  and This is the era when China really takes off."

 Mainstream American culture - Christian culture

 Examining the history of the founding and development of the United States, it is not difficult to discover that the tentacle of Christianity has extended to all aspects of American life: the cornerstone of American democracy, the Mayflower Convention, states that Puritan experimentation must continue in the name of God To complete God's purposes, in short the American Declaration of Independence,  there are actually four references to God, if the word "God" is removed, the spirit of the Declaration of Independence cannot be understood.

 Christian culture is mainstream culture in the United States.  Deeply rooted mainstream Christian culture is like the root system of a large tree, constantly providing nutrients to the trunk.  Only by knowing this root system can you truly understand the true meaning of successful American society.  Many ideas about democracy, the rule of law, and freedom in American society are rooted in the teachings of the Bible.

 The core of mainstream Christian culture lies in its concepts of equality and brotherhood.  Christianity promotes equality, forgiveness, and brotherhood, loving all people, loving others as themselves, and even our enemies.  This is the ideological basis for the establishment of democracy and freedom in western society.  The foundation of a universal democratic system stems from the basic spirit of Christianity: humans are finite and sinful, humans are not only imperfect, but also flawed.  The same applies to institutions created by humans.  Therefore, the power must be limited and checked.  The separation of powers is a popular political doctrine in the West and an important tenet of the American political system.  The US government maintains a separation of legislative, executive, and judicial powers, the status of Congress, the President, and the Supreme Court is equal and mutually limiting and balanced.  In the western countries today, the United States is the most typical country that applies check and balance.

 Americans believe in the Bible, and many people go to church to receive spiritual baptism on the weekends.  The Bible teaches people to be kind, kind, and noble.  Many people live by this belief and associate with other people.  As people say: "One more church, one less prison; one more Christian, one less criminal."

 Christianity believes that God is God, man is man, God is always supreme, man is always God's servant, and man's power will never exceed God.  Therefore, it limits the expansion of human desires from the depths of thought.  This even made the greatest officials smile to ordinary people, no matter how famous that person was, they did not dare to act arrogantly in public, no matter how great that person was, they had to check their actions and not do things that went against  God's will.

 Christian culture also promotes human rights, respects life, and respects human rights.  Influenced by Christian thought, Americans regard democracy, equality, and freedom as life.  They have always chosen democratic governments, free economies, autocracies, dictatorships and privileges.  There is no room for them in the depths of American thought.

 Christian culture does not rule out economics, and even encourages people to gain wealth through self-struggle.  The Protestant ethic not only regards the pursuit of wealth and money as a sin, but also associates it with the glory of God, and uses wealth management to properly glorify God.  Hard work, frugality, and dedication are virtues and moral obligations, and Christian duties.  The most famous is the famous preacher John Wesley: "Despite to make money, desperately to save money, dedicate to dedication."

Take the Beams Out of Your Eyes

 Our weakness as humans is to always see the shortcomings of others and not see our own weaknesses.  The habit of gossiping and gossiping about other people becomes a natural, interesting and ordinary thing.

 We do not feel that the act is wrong according to God.  Jesus said, first take the log out of your eye and you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

 How hard it is to get used to not seeing the negative in others.  Perhaps it is our human instinct that we must defend ourselves from the attacks of others.

 Our lives must be safe and look for defenses not to be said negatively by others and we become self-conscious and forgetful.  We like to see ourselves safe and see others insecure by exposing and exposing their faults.

 Remember, it was this image that Jesus denounced.  Do we still have the habit of seeing others as opponents and seeing their faults to explain to others?  If that is the case then we need to take the log out of our own eyes instead of looking at the speck in your brother's eye.

Saturday, 26 June 2021

Virus Corona Sudah ada sejak jaman duluh dan sudah di tuliskan dalam kitab suci semuanya Telah terjadi Nyata.

Semua telah di tuliskan di kitab suci Mengenai Virus corona dan   semuanya telah menjadi kenyataan.

inilah isi injin yang mbicarakan Mengenai Virus corona.

 1. Lagu-lagu di bait suci akan hilang.

  (Amos 8: 3)

2.  Mayat sangat banyak sehingga dibuang.

 (Amos 8: 3)

3.  Bumi akan berguncang (Amos 8: 8)

4.  Festival dan Perayaan menjadi sedih.

 (Amos 8:10)

5.  Hari-hari pahit di depan.

 Amos 8:1

6. Anda tidak akan bisa mendengar Firman.

 Amos 8:11, 12

7. Seorang muda jatuh pingsan ketika mereka masih muda.

 Amos 8:13. 

8.  Pernikahan tidak akan ada perayaan (Yeremia 16: 9)

9. Orang akan mati karena penyakit yang mematikan (Yeremia 16: 4)

10. Mereka tidak akan dapat berduka atas kematian mereka, mereka tidak akan dapat menguburkan mereka yang mati. Yeremia 16: 4

11. Mereka tidak akan pergi ke rumah kesedihan, dan tidak akan menunjukkan simpati.

 (Yeremia 16: 5)

 12. Besar dan kecil, tua dan muda akan mati, tidak akan ada yang menguburkan mereka.

 (Yeremia 16: 6)

13. Dilarang pergi ke pesta / perayaan. 

(Yeremia 16: 8)

14.  Datanglah, umat-Ku, masuk ke kamarmu, dan tutup pintumu: sembunyikan dirimu sebentar, sampai amarah itu berlalu (Yesaya 26:20)

15. Orang-orang yang sombong akan direndahkan, dan orang yang tinggi akan direndahkan (Yesaya 2:11).

16. Cuci tanganmu agar tidak mati (Keluaran 30: 18-21)

 17. Jaga jarak jika ada gejala Menutupi Mulut dan Hindari Kontak (Imamat 13: 4,5,46 Masker)

 18. Siapapun yang sakit harus tinggal di dalam tenda selama 7 sampai 14 hari (Imamat 13: 4-5, Karantina)

Mata Adalah Pelita Tubuh

Dimana hartamu berada disitulah hatimu berada. Bila kita menempatkan harta duniawi diatas segalanya, disitulah hati kita, hidup kita, prioritas kita berada. Ketika kita mau belajar mempercayakan hidup kita kepada Tuhan dan menjadikan Yesus sebagai sesuatu yang berharga dalam hidup kita, pasti hati kita, seluruh hidup kita, kerinduan kita akan mengarah kepada Yesus. 

Pertanyaan besar yang perlu kita tanyakan pada hati kita, apa yang kita mau dalam hidup ini? Apa yang membuat hidup kita berarti? Dan apa yang menjadi harta terindah dalam hidup kita?

Injil hari ini mengingatkan kita bahwa mata adalah pelita tubuh. Mata bisa mengontak pikiran dan hati. Apa yang dilihat oleh mata bisa begitu cepat direspon ke pikiran dan hati. Ketika pikiran dan hati turut campur tangan, maka orang akan berbuat sesuatu. Ketika melihat barang orang lain, timbul rasa iri dan ingin memilikinya. Ketika melihat wanita cantik atau pria tampan, mata terbelalak dan memikirkan hal yang aneh-aneh.

Kita harus bersyukur mempunyai mata yang bisa melihat tetapi hendaknya mata dijaga, jangan sampai karena mata hidup kita tersesat. Yesus mengajak kita untuk membina mata kita agar menjadi pelita tubuh yang terang sehingga hidup kitapun menjadi terang dan membawa kita kepada keselamatan.

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