Jesus denounced the Pharisees because they were so concerned with their rules that they ignored God's commandments. Their rules often obscure Allah's commands so that for the sake of the rules they make, Allah's commands are violated.
God's command you ignore to hold on to human customs. How clever you are to set aside the commandments of God so that you can keep your own customs.
Important for us to ponder in the message of the Gospel are practical life guidelines that can be lived by anyone in order to obtain happiness. Do not do to others what you would not like others to do to you. Another important thing is that life is a choice.
That choice will determine a person's future. There are hard choices and there are easy choices. Jesus emphasized that easy choices will lead people to destruction. But difficult choices such as taking up the cross or denying oneself will lead people to true happiness.
Jesus expects us not to avoid difficult choices because they often lead to happiness. God is with us.
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