Reading and meditating on this word of God in our present context, my mind goes to the many missionaries or even Pope Francis himself who made many pastoral trips but I also remember the government officials who went around from place to place, speaking out and urging the public to comply with health protocols. because we are still hit by the covid-19 outbreak in order to maintain health together.
It seems that the ideals of the Kingdom of God proclaimed by Jesus were also echoed by government officials during their visits, making statements that were memorable, uplifting and encouraging to the people. They are actually following the Master's invitation. But apparently not all managed to do it like Jesus did.
Then we ask, where did it go wrong? This is the issue and key that distinguishes the two groups. The Bible records it for us in this connection. Go and proclaim, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. You have got it for free, so give it for free.
The kingdom of God is a gift that we freely receive. Wanting to receive this gift for free also contains the duty and obligation to give it to others free of charge, because the reward lies with Him who is the source of the Kingdom.
This is what government officials cannot do because he has received everything from the state, from the taxes paid by the people but he will not give it away for free. Why? Because he still wants to take advantage for himself. So we hear about social assistance for people in corrupt ministers.
So, let us pray for our government officials, the rulers who regulate the common life, those who want to serve others to serve like Jesus, their hearts may be moved with compassion and seek actions that benefit many people in various works of kindness such as, education, health, poverty and so on. Hopefully they and all of us really want to work, serve for the glory of God and not for our own interests.
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