The story of the people who brought the paralyzed person to Jesus is an illustration for all of us that our faith is faith that builds kinship. We can't let go of the family or community dimension when we talk about faith, let alone trying to live faith.
The community dimension made the paralyzed person able to meet Jesus and get healing from Him. Healing did not come from those around the paralyzed man, but healing came from Jesus. It is Jesus who is the center of the communal faith. Without Jesus there is no communion of Christian faith. An environment of a sign faith community with Jesus in it, is just a social institution that has no spirituality.
The cripple is an image for Church members who need help and assistance. He who really can't do anything because of his paralysis, needs more attention. Not only one person, but four people helped the paralyzed man to meet Jesus who was always present.
The bearers serve as an image for Church members who are always ready to provide care for those who are paralyzed. Without a word they brought the lame man to Jesus. Likewise, we members of the Church, without judging and judging we should give help and assistance to those who need it.
We are members of the One Church, inevitably we are involved and responsible for the healing of those who are paralyzed. Our faith needs to be accounted for in a communal way. We are built starting from the smallest community, namely the family. From the family we live in one circle of the faithful. That's where we get involved being members of the Church.
Paying attention to members of one ward is the most likely concrete step to take. Knowing all members of the ward is an absolute and necessary part. Great danger if we are not able to socialize with all members of the ward.
How is it possible to have contact with parishioners? If we don't know each other. How do we care for and care for each other? If we don't pay attention to each other. This is the beginning of division, even though we are the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
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