Monday, 15 November 2021

Our judge is God himself, a good God. God wants what is good for us. Luke, 18:1-8

The God-fearing judge gave the widow what she wanted so that he would be free from her interference.  However, our Judge is God Himself, a good God.  God wants what is good for us.  Allah will hear our every prayer and will give His best response for us.  This is the challenge of this parable of Jesus.

 Through this parable of the diligent widow, Jesus wanted His disciples to understand and recognize God's goodness and His faithfulness, thus enabling them to follow in His footsteps.  Seeing how completely and totally Jesus loved and obeyed His Father, this gives us the assurance that God is worthy and worthy of our endless trust.

 We can bring our needs before God with an open heart and with the perseverance that this widow has, then we too will recognize the voice of God through the Scriptures and through His messengers.

 We may not see or understand how the situation is actually part of God's plan, but we still have faith that God will answer our prayers in ways we have not or could not have imagined.  This is the faith that Jesus seeks when He returns.


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