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Thursday, 13 January 2022

Jesus Heals the Leper. As Christians, we are unknowingly discriminatory against lepers. Mark, 1:40-45

In our country, negative stigma against people with leprosy is still common.  People even tend to stay away from lepers and isolate them.  This rejection experienced by lepers causes them to be ashamed, not confident and look down on themselves.  They are even reluctant to go to the hospital because they are ashamed of other people's views.

 As Christians, we are unknowingly discriminatory against lepers.  Just by sight we have discriminated against them ruthlessly.  Do we deserve to treat lepers like that?

 This story we see how the ministry of Jesus, Jesus himself healed lepers twice.  The first case occurred where a man with leprosy was healed as told in today's Gospel.  While the second case occurred when Jesus healed 10 lepers whom He met on the way.

 This incident teaches us 3 things about Jesus' view of lepers.  First, Jesus was not disgusted by a person's illness or condition.  Then Jesus stretched out His hand, touched the man and said, I want you to be clean.  Jesus perfectly demonstrated God's love.  He wasn't disgusted at all on the contrary He came over and touched him.

 Second, God is the only healer who can heal.  Jesus did not want to see anyone suffer the most cursed disease like leprosy.  Therefore Jesus came offering unconditional love and healing.  Through this action, we are taught that Jesus is able to change the wrong views of society.

 Third, Jesus wants all sick people to turn to the right sources for help.  It was not by chance that Jesus met this leper and through this event has proven His power.  Jesus wanted to show that it is only in Him that all who are sick can experience healing.

 In healing this leper, Jesus wants us to know that He will help us when we are desperate and need healing.  We don't need to test Jesus but in Him may we find peace and rest.

Wednesday, 12 January 2022

Dare to Be a Witness of Christ Mark, 1:29-39

God spoke not only through the writers of the Bible but also through His creation which continues to grow and develop, and of course in humans who are created in His image.

 If we read a book or magazine we need an attitude of listening and humility as well as every time we face new things or things, for example friends, work, assignments and so on, without humility and listening attitude we will not grow and develop as human beings.  believe as expected and willed by Allah.

 We can reflect on this story that the presence of Jesus in this world is not only to provide physical healing but also spiritual healing, namely the liberation of humans from the bondage of sin.

 Let's go somewhere else, to the nearby towns, so that I can preach there too, because for that I have come.  It is said that Jesus visited the family of His disciples and healed Simon's sick mother-in-law and also cast out evil spirits and many other sick people which He healed.

 Jesus showed miracles of physical healing, He did this as an act to declare that He is God who fulfilled the prophecies of the prophets and supported the teaching to be given, as happened in the multiplication of the bread and fish to explain the Eucharist.

 The question is, are we aware of the presence and love of Jesus in every step of our lives?  Or do we often forget His presence that accompanies and guides our lives?  We should be more mature and get to know God's love in Jesus and dare to be His witnesses in social life.  God bless and guide every step of our life.

Tuesday, 11 January 2022

Amazed and Obedient to Jesus the Son of God. Mark, 1:21b-28

 The strange diseases of Jesus' time that the physicians could not treat were often viewed as the result of possession.  Such people are usually isolated.  But there was a man who was possessed and came to hear the message of Jesus.  Of course the news of the Kingdom of God is near, repent and believe in the gospel.  Apparently the evil spirit hiding in the man could not stand to hear the message of Jesus.  He shouted, using the poor man's mouth.

 What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth.  Have you come to destroy us?  I know who You are, the Holy One of God.

 The forces of evil do know who this Jesus of Nazareth is.  There is a sacred area that does not allow evil spirits to move.  And that territory belongs to this Jesus of Nazareth.  His superiority was clearly felt and this is what people witnessed then and is preached to us today.

 They also wonder, who really is He whose authority is recognized even though the evil spirit flocks use the word us.  The demons felt threatened and trembled in the presence of the Nazarenes who were so close to the Most Holy God.  Jesus rebuked and told the Spirit to be quiet and brought it out of the poor man who wanted to draw near to Jesus.

 We are also invited to draw closer to the person of Jesus.  The admiration of those who knew Jesus at that time was conveyed to us so that we dare to come closer and listen to Jesus.  Let's live in God.  Not only admire Him but also know and obey His Word.

Call of Repentance is a condition in which a sinner repents because of his actions by the Holy Spirit within him. Then he changed his mind, turned from his guilt and turned his mind to God Mark, 1:14-20

 When a thief thinks not to repeat his actions, a liar is determined to act and tell the truth, a murderer thinks what he did is not good and an indifferent person realizes that what he did was not right.  It was clear that everyone was thinking of a change.

 Changes from within that start from the mind, namely the determination to turn around, then encourage him to no longer do wrong habits that have been ingrained in him.

 This is called repentance.  Repentance is a state in which a sinner repents of his actions by the Holy Spirit within him.  Then he changed his mind, turned from his mistake and turned his mind to God.

 The cry of Jesus in Galilee is that the time has come, the Kingdom of God is at hand.  Repent and believe in the gospel.  The word time has fulfilled means that the presence of Jesus the Nazarene on this earth has fulfilled the prophecies of the prophets about His coming to this world.  The kingdom of God is at hand, in fact the Kingdom of God is hic et nunc 'here and now' on the earth that we stand on and now not in heaven later.

 That is why we are called to turn, repent and believe in Jesus.  Because the Greek word translated Gospel here means Good News.  This is the true identity of Jesus.  Jesus is good news for this world.

 The call for repentance is not only addressed to the big criminals, catfish and mujair but to all of us.  Because no human being is perfect.  Everything needs to be updated.  Everyone needs to repent.  Repenting is not just for committing a crime.  However, repent because humans most often do not want to do good.  This is where the problem is, not being unable to do good but not wanting to, therefore repent.

The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord Luke, 3:15-16.21-22

We celebrate the birth of Christ on Christmas Day.  The birth of Christ was then announced to the world on the Feast of the Apparitions of the Lord, when the Wise Men came to worship the infant Jesus and offered Him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to symbolize Jesus' identity.

 The mystery of the Incarnation at Christmas reaches its climax with the Baptism of the Lord.  And with the Baptism of the Lord, the mystery of salvation moves from the Incarnation to the Mission.

 Christ came into the world to save us.  At His Baptism, Christ was revealed to the world as the Beloved Son of the Father.  By this, we are also reminded of our own baptism, that we too, in Christ are lovers of the Father.

 Love is the soul of the mission.  Without love there is no meaning or purpose and direction in life.  Without love there can be no mission.  Jesus came to save us by showing God's love for us.  Through baptism, we are united with Christ in His mission.  May we also be able to show God's love to others.

The origin of pride and envy is like the chicken and egg question.

 We are not sure which came first but what we do know is that one leads to the other and we are plagued by these two great sins, and not only us but also the disciples of Jesus.  They envy each other and bicker about who comes first.

 But John did not feel threatened or envious of Jesus.  John made it clear that his own mission was meaningless unless it had a divine purpose.  He said that he was not He, not the Messiah that was awaited.  John confessed that he was only a forerunner, a forerunner, a herald. 

 John was blunt, he knew and realized his true relationship with Jesus.  John liked that, accepted his assignment with pleasure and humbly said, I am not the Messiah but I was sent to go before Him.  It has to get bigger but I have to get smaller.


 John reminds us to know Jesus.  He is our Lord and Savior.  Jesus must become increasingly important in our lives.  He must be Lord of our lives.  We have to get smaller.  We must give Jesus all the glory.  Like John we must know our place in relationship with God.  We must bear witness as John did and draw people's attention to Jesus, not to ourselves.

 John reminds us that the mission on our shoulders is to make Christ known and loved, not ourselves.

I want you to be clean Luke, 5:12-16

 life is our health.  So people say health is wealth but wealth cannot buy health.  If the purpose of our life is to accumulate wealth at the expense of health then the time has come for us to use that wealth to restore our health.

 In the Bible, leprosy is seen as a chronic, contagious disease.  Progressively and slowly the sufferer will die of the disease and also die of isolation.  The leper who approached Jesus because he was desperate and shouted, "Sir, if you want, you can cleanse me.  Jesus is his last hope.

 I want you to be clean.  Jesus' answer was astonishing and the leper immediately left the sufferer.

 With great compassion and love, Jesus came into the world to offer His healing touch.  Jesus will change us from unclean to clean (clean), from sick to healthy again, from death to life, from the darkness of sin into a shining presence of God.  Jesus came to heal us.  The blood that poured out of His side has the power to heal us if we cry out like this leper.

 We need not suffer from the wounds of hatred, anger and jealousy in life.  We will be healed of such contagious sins as envy and slander.  Fear and guilt need not control us.  Jesus forgave us, offering peace and new life in Himself.

 By putting on the garments of righteousness, we too can walk in the light of Christ.  This is a true message of hope for all of us whom Jesus chose as His disciples.

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