Tuesday, 11 January 2022

Amazed and Obedient to Jesus the Son of God. Mark, 1:21b-28

 The strange diseases of Jesus' time that the physicians could not treat were often viewed as the result of possession.  Such people are usually isolated.  But there was a man who was possessed and came to hear the message of Jesus.  Of course the news of the Kingdom of God is near, repent and believe in the gospel.  Apparently the evil spirit hiding in the man could not stand to hear the message of Jesus.  He shouted, using the poor man's mouth.

 What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth.  Have you come to destroy us?  I know who You are, the Holy One of God.

 The forces of evil do know who this Jesus of Nazareth is.  There is a sacred area that does not allow evil spirits to move.  And that territory belongs to this Jesus of Nazareth.  His superiority was clearly felt and this is what people witnessed then and is preached to us today.

 They also wonder, who really is He whose authority is recognized even though the evil spirit flocks use the word us.  The demons felt threatened and trembled in the presence of the Nazarenes who were so close to the Most Holy God.  Jesus rebuked and told the Spirit to be quiet and brought it out of the poor man who wanted to draw near to Jesus.

 We are also invited to draw closer to the person of Jesus.  The admiration of those who knew Jesus at that time was conveyed to us so that we dare to come closer and listen to Jesus.  Let's live in God.  Not only admire Him but also know and obey His Word.


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