Tuesday, 7 December 2021

The parable of the good shepherd, God cares for sinners. God does not punish those who sin, but takes the initiative to find them and bring them home. Matthew, 18:12-14

Dear friend of heart.  Nowadays, gadgets play an important role in our life.  Various jobs and activities demand speed and sophistication so many people depend on the device.  If the device breaks down, many jobs and activities become chaotic.  People are impatient if they have to wait days for repairs.  The solution?  Just use the blue glue, aka throw the old one, buy a new one.

 For matters of gadgets or other items, we easily get rid of the old one and replace it with a new one.  But such world principles should not color our life in the church.  Even if we find the lives of our brethren that appear corrupt, sinful and show moral depravity, we cannot be indifferent by simply 'throwing' them away.

 The parable of the good shepherd, Jesus implicitly teaches that God cares for sinners.  God does not punish those who sin, but takes the initiative to find them and bring them home.  It does not mean that God condones sin but that God longs for His people to repent and return to Him.  The repentance of a sinner brings great joy to God.

 As recipients of the gift of forgiveness of sins from God, we should express God's love for others.  We must express love by rebuking, exhorting and guiding brothers who have slipped into sin so that they return to God's way. God first came to us as a small and humble baby.  May we also return to God as His little and humble children.


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