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Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ


 The Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ which is also commonly known as the Feast of Corpus Christi which takes place traditionally on the Thursday after the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity or in some places for more people to follow is held on the Sunday after Holy Trinity Sunday.  This celebration is very important for us because apart from the Holy Trinity, the Teaching of Christ's Real Presence in the Eucharist is one of the main tenets of our faith.

 In contrast to the Trinitarian nature of Our Lord which is recognized and is a fundamental part of the faith for most people who believe in God, the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist has not been accepted and rejected by some segments of people who believe in God.  However, this clearly does not show the sentiments and beliefs of the Church Fathers and all the early Christians who all believed in the true, real and living presence of God in the Eucharist.

 This means that the bread and wine that we offer at the Celebration of Holy Mass and which are blessed and offered by the priest to God at the Consecration actually become God's Own Body and Blood, God's own substance and essence, although they may still appear to us in the form of bread and wine.  This process is called Transubstantiation, where 'Trans' means change and 'Substantiate' means substance or essence.

 According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the word Transubstantiation means the transformation of the entire substance of the bread into the substance of the Body of Christ and the entire substance of the wine into the substance of His Blood.  This change is brought about in the Eucharistic Prayer through the efficacy of Christ's words and by the actions of the Holy Spirit.  From the Catechism we can see how the Church clearly teaches us what the Eucharist means to all of us.

 This means that the bread and wine themselves have been changed, transformed into the substance, essence and reality of the Most Precious Body and Most Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.  The same Christ who offered Himself on the Cross at Calvary as a worthy Sacrifice, as an atonement for our sins.  In the bread and wine that are transformed into the Most Holy and Precious Body and Blood of God, the Eucharist we partake of, we share in the same sacrifice of God that day on the Cross.

 That is why the Mass is more properly known as the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass because the priest celebrant acts 'in persona Christi' or in the Person of our Lord Jesus Christ with the authority that Christ Himself gave to His Apostles and because the Mass itself is the same Sacrifice that has  God experienced when He took His Cross to Calvary, was crucified and died there for us His people, the whole Mass represents all of us who live through the same act of God's love in saving us.

 When the celebrant pronounces the words of the Consecration by the power of God through the Holy Spirit, the bread and wine become the Most Precious Body and Blood of God and as the celebrant said with the same words that Jesus spoke at the Last Supper, This is My Body that has been  given up for you, and This is the Cup of My Blood, the Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant which was shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins.

 Therefore, in Holy Communion we do not only receive bread and or wine, and are not merely symbols of the Body and Blood of Christ as some people believe and believe, but in truth and reality, the Most Holy Body and Blood of our Lord Himself in the Flesh and  Blood.  We may see the appearance of bread and wine, the taste of bread and wine, the smell of bread and wine but in reality, the essence of all of them has been completely transformed into something beyond our human understanding, the Mystery of our Faith.

 We believe in God and in the mystery of Transubstantiation, the most important doctrine of the Church from the beginning and which was promulgated at the Fourth Lateran Council in the early thirteenth century and practiced by our brethren in the Eastern Church.  The Eastern Church also inaugurated their Synod in Jerusalem five centuries later, believing that God Himself has given His Precious and Holy Body and Blood for us to eat, eat and drink as real food and drink and not as something imaginary or merely symbolic.  as Christ emphasized to the people in His sermon about the Bread of Life as the True Bread from Heaven far superior to the heavenly manna bread which God had miraculously given to the forefathers of the Jews, the Israelites during their forty year journey to the Promised Land.  .  Christ refers to that event, comparing how their ancestors died but those who receive this new Bread of Life i.e. Christ Himself, they will have eternal life through Him.

 When Jesus called Himself the Bread of Life, He also mentioned to the people that they would have no life and not abide in Him unless they ate of His Body and drank His Blood.  Jesus also specifically mentions that His Body is truly Food and His Blood is truly Drink.  Jesus did not say that He gave them symbols to possess or to celebrate but instead doubled down on His own declaration of truth, to the point that many of His followers abandoned Him after this particular moment, which is ironically very similar to how some of our brethren choose to leave.  the same truth about the Real Presence in the Eucharist.

 To His remaining disciples, to His Twelve Apostles, Jesus gave power and authority at the Last Supper when He instituted the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.  His commandment to them to 'do this in remembrance of Me' was a very important mission, which the Apostles had faithfully carried out and they passed on to all their successors, Bishops and Priests of the Church who have been ordained and receive the power and authority given to them.  from Jesus to celebrate the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass.

 By sharing and partaking of the Body and Blood of Christ, we have Holy and Holy Communion in the Church which then forms the Body of Christ.  Because in sharing the same Body and Blood of God, we have been united through Christ and made one as a people blessed by Jesus and unite us to partake together in the Bread of Life, Christ our Savior becomes the Mystical Body of Christ, the One Church,  Holy, Catholic and Apostolic.

 From the very beginning our Church has very strong evidence and extensive evidence of the Real Presence of the Fathers and Leaders of the Church itself, such as Saint Ignatius of Antioch, second Bishop of Antioch and successor of St. Peter who said that within me there was a burning desire not for material things.  .  I don't like world food.  What I want is bread from God, which is the Body of Christ and the drink I want is His Blood, a food for eternal supper.


 Saint Justin Martyr and the Fathers of the Early Church and other saints also agree with this truth, Saint Justin Martyr says we call this meal the Eucharist and no one is allowed to partake in it unless he believes in our teaching.  Because we receive this not as ordinary bread or ordinary drink but because of the power of the Word of God, our Savior Jesus Christ has become a Man of Flesh and Blood for our salvation, so we are taught that it is the food that has been turned into the Eucharist by the Eucharistic prayer.  determined by Him is the Body and Blood of Christ incarnate and with the changes that occur our bodies and blood are strengthened.

 For Jesus anything is possible and everything is possible even changing matter and essence, the reality of the bread and wine into His Precious Body and Blood to be given to us and deservedly taken for our salvation.  At the Last Supper mentioned by Saint Ambrose of Milan and the Apostle Saint Paul, the Lord said, This is my body and this is the cup of my blood, it is unchanging.  The Most Holy and Precious Body and Blood are not imitation, not symbols, not representations, not even spiritual unity but the same, real, complete and bloody Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross at Calvary.

 Having deepened our understanding of the rich history of this one of the most important principles of our faith, how will we truly celebrate the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ?  It is not enough just to celebrate this day with a solemn celebration of the Holy Mass.  In fact, we all need to have a major change in how we treat the Eucharist and how we should revere and adoration for the God who is truly present in the Eucharist.

 On this Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, let us renew our zeal and faith in the True Presence of the Eucharist which Christ has given us all for our salvation through the hands of His Bishops and Priests.  Let us strive to be worthy to receive the Body and Blood of Christ into ourselves and be grateful for the loving Sacrifice Christ has made for us by living a wise and exemplary Christian life.

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Apa Itu Virus ASF- Virus Babi.

APA ITU ASF ? (African Swine Fever) adalah penyakit demam babi yg diakibatkan oleh asfivirus. Penyakit ini sdh ada sejak tahun 1970, menyebar ke seluruh dunia & diketahui sangat mematukan pada babi dengan tingkat mortalitas mencapai 100%. ASF HANYA menyerang babi TIDAK menular ke hewan lain & TIDAK MENULAR KE MANUSIA, sehingga daging babi 100% aman dikonsumsi. 

ASF menyebar lewat lalu lintas manusia, bahan pakan asal babi mentah (jika matang virus akan mati), virus akan masuk lewat hidung atau mulut kemudian menyebar ke seluruh tubuh. 

Virus ASF punya keunikan yaitu mampu berkembang di makrofag yg merupakan komponen sistem kekebalan tubuh, shg penanganan lewat induksi makrofag akan sulit dilakukan.

Masa inkubasi ASF selama 7-10 hari hingga babi mengalami kematian. 
1.  babi pilek & keluar leleran hidung
2.  babi tidak mau makan
3.  babi demam, muntah, diare
4.  muncul bintik2 pendarahan di kulit, muntah, diare
5.  babi sekarat & berakhir dgn kematian.
Hingga saat ini BELUM ADA pola pencegahan & penanganan yg efektif thd wabah ASF, tapi kementrian pertanian telah menemukan prototype vaksin ASF yg siap diproduksi.

 Meskipun demikian kita tetap harus berusaha sekuat mungkin utk mengatasi wabah ini dengan memperketat biosekurity kandang. 

Rutin melakukan desinfeksi kandang dgn desinfektan + menutup kandang dr lalu lintas manusia, karena jika virus ASF terlanjur masuk maka akan sulit diatasi. 
Jika ASF terlanjur masuk maka kita harus berlomba dg waktu utk membasmi virus di kandang dg melakukan.

Pemberian injeksi antipiretik+analgesik dexametason jika babi demam. Jika babi sdh dalam kondisi parah, lebih baik disembelih & dipotong dalam bentuk daging / dikonsumsi. ASF TIDAK MENULAR ke manusia & dagingnya 100% aman buat dikonsumsi.

Saat ini peternakan babi di Indonesia sedang mengalami tantangan alam yg besar tapi kita tidak boleh menyerah & harus tetap berjuang demi mempertahankan kelangsungan hidup.

The Law of Applying for Widows Who Are Still in the Iddah Period.

 A bride and groom are present at the Office of Religious Affairs to check files and data for their wedding.  This process must be passed to determine whether the wedding of the bride and groom can be carried out or not.

 Sheet after sheet of data has been checked and shown to be correct.  It's just that when the penghulu arrived at the divorce certificate sheet for the bride he was stopped because of the data written in it.  The data on the deed shows that the bride-to-be until the wedding day is still in the iddah period and will only be completed the following two weeks.

 "In fact, you shouldn't even propose to this woman because it's still in the iddah period, let alone marrying her.  The contract is invalid,” the penghulu told the groom.

 Yes, a woman who has broken up her marriage relationship because her husband has divorced her is not necessarily able to remarry another man.  In contrast to a man, a woman who is divorced from her husband has an iddah period where as long as the iddah period has not been completed she is not allowed to marry.  It is also not permissible for a man to express his desire to marry a woman who is still in the iddah period.

 Submission of this desire to marry in the language of fiqh is called khitbah or proposing.  Sheikh Muhammad Qasim Al-Ghazi in his book Fathul Qarîbil

 There are two ways to convey a proposal from a man to a woman he wants to marry, namely by tashrîh (with clear sentences) and ta'rîdl (with satire sentences).

 The proposal made tashrîh is a proposal using a sentence that definitely shows a strong desire to marry the woman who is being asked for.  While the proposal made in satire is a proposal with a sentence that does not definitely indicate a strong desire to get married.  This is how Sheikh Ibrahim Al-Baijuri in his Hâsyiyah defines it.

 For example, when a man feels happy with a woman and wants to marry her, then to the woman he says "I want to marry you" then this is a tashrîh proposal.  Meanwhile, if he conveys his proposal with such a sentence as "many men like you" then this is a ta'rdl proposal.

 Proposing a woman to marry, either explicitly or in private, tashrîh or ta'rîdl, there is nothing wrong with addressing a woman who is single and has no barriers to marriage.  However, if the proposal is addressed to a woman who is having obstacles to marry, such as a widow who is still in the iddah period, then there is a separate law detailed by the scholars.

 Meaning: "And it is not permissible to clearly propose a woman who is in the iddah period, but may propose to her in a satire and marry her after the completion of the iddah period."

 A woman who is still undergoing the iddah period, either because she has died or because her husband has divorced her, whether she has been divorced by raj'i divorce or divorced bain, then it is forbidden for a man to express his desire to marry her in a tashrh or clear manner.  This is not allowed because by showing his pleasure to the woman can make the woman lie about her iddah period.  For example, a woman should only end her iddah in two months, but because at this time there are men who want to marry her, she lies by speeding up her iddah period so that she can immediately marry the man so that she no longer has the status of a widow.

 The law of conveying the desire to marry a widow in satire or ta'rîdl by looking at the status of the woman.  If she is in the iddah period because of her husband's divorce from raj'i, then it is unlawful to convey it in satire, because essentially a woman who is in the iddah period because of the raj'i divorce is still holding the status of a wife from a husband whose mentality is up until his iddah period expires.  .

 Meanwhile, if he is in the iddah period because he has been left dead or something that means it to him, such as divorce from Bain and Faskh, then it is not forbidden to ask for her hand in satire, such as the phrase "later when your iddah period is over, let me know, okay."

 In the latter case, the proposal that is conveyed in satire is allowed because it contains the possibility that the man will marry her or not.

 Meaning: "A woman if she is free from the ties of marriage and the period of iddah, she may be asked for a proposal either explicitly or innuendo.  If she is still someone's wife, then it is forbidden for her to ask for a proposal, either clearly or innuendo.  Meanwhile, if he is in the period of iddah, then it is unlawful for him to propose a clear proposal  As for asking for a satire, if she is in the iddah period because of the raj'i divorce, it is forbidden to ask for her satire because she is still a wife.  Meanwhile, if he is in the iddah period because he has been left dead or what is meaningful to him, such as talak bain and Faskh, then it is not forbidden to ask for her hand in satire."

 In closing, one thing that must be considered, when conveying a satire desire to marry a woman who is still in the iddah period because talak raj'i is forbidden, how about conveying that desire clearly to a woman who is clearly still someone else's wife?  Wallahu a'lam.




 A good father is one of the most unsung, unappreciated, unnoticed, yet one of the most valuable assets in our society.

 If a mother's love is like water, then a father's love is a mountain;  If mother's love is tolerance, then father's love is guide;  If mother's love makes me feel warm, then father's love makes me strong, if mother's love caresses, then father's love is silent.

 A healthy family is a safe haven for children;  The home is a treatment center for sunburn shade and a shelter from the rain, healing and pain relief.  In it, the whole family has no fear, no fear, because we have the sacrificial love of the mother and the unwavering love of the father, it teaches us to grow and dream to fly.  My mother's love is my wings, and my father's love is my arm, it taught me to learn to give, taught me to love Jesus, and live a life of hope, peace and joy.

 The most beautiful gift I ever had came from God;  I call him Mom and Dad!  On this Father's Day, with a grateful heart, I thank my father for his silent love in sign language, and pay tribute to fathers, grandfathers, and the rulers of life.  Especially for friends whose fathers are Christians, through the unconditional love and sacrifices of fathers on earth, they can be more aware of how long, wide, high, deep, and endless the Father's love for His children is.

Monday, 21 June 2021

Gejala Covid Delta India - Covid Delta dari India Sangat ganas dan Penularan Lebih Cepat.

Beberapa hari terakhir berita tentang Varian baru Covid Delta dari India memenuhi dan mendominasi pemberitaan tentang Informasi Covid di seluruh Indonesia.

Begitu banyaknya korban yang berjatuhan membuat banyak orang semakin ketakutan sehingga diberbagai tempat dan kota kembali memperketat aturan demi menahan lajunya perkembangan penyebaran Covid Varian baru tersebut.
 ( Delta india)

Varian Covid 19 Delta india mulai muncul di tanah air. masyarakat dihimbau untuk lebih waspada terhadap virus yang proses penularan sangat cepat ini.
 Gejala Covid 19 Delta Dari india
 yaitu gejala dan cara    Terinfeksi antara lain sebagai berikut:

1.  Mual  Dan Muntah
2.   Kehilangan Nabsu makan
3.  Diare dan sakit Perit
4.  Nyeri Sendi
5.  Ganguan Pendengaran
6.  Pembekuan Darah
7. gengren
8. Jaringan mati akibat infeksi terjadinya kekurangan darah.

Firman Allah berkata:
"Kesudahan segala sesuatu sudah dekat. Karena itu kuasailah dirimu dan jadilah tenang, supaya kamu dapat berdoa." 
(1 Petrus 4:7 ).

Perhatikan baik-baik.
Kesudahan segala sesuatu sudah dekat! Alkitab memberitahukan kepada kita, bahwa waktu-Nya sudah dekat! Kita yang membaca  Alkitab tentu paham maksud saya ini.

Waktu Kedatangan Kristus yang semakin mendekat berarti waktu bagi si Iblis semakin dekat pada kesudahannya. 

Menguasai diri dan menjadi tenang untuk bisa berdoa. Bagaimana bisa? Raja Daud berkata: "Hanya dekat Allah saja aku tenang, dari pada-Nyalah keselamatanku." ( Mazmur 62:2 ).

Mari kita mendekat kepada TUHAN, lebih dan lebih lagi sebab hanya dekat Allah kita bisa tenang. Waktu-Nya yang mendekat menolong kita untuk semakin dekat dengan TUHAN. 

Tuhan Yesus akan senantiasa menuntun, melindungi, menyertai, menyembuhkan yang sakit, memulihkan dengan sempurna dan memberkati kita semua. Amen.

Penyebab sakit Kangker - Sebenarnya orang tidak akan Mati hanya karena kangker akan tetapi kecerobohan Membuat orang mati.

Sebenarnya orang tidak akan mati karena sakit kangker hanya karena tidak mau menahan diri, dan kecerobohan dalam mengambil segala tindakan. 

Langkah awal yang harus kita ambil adalah menghentikan semua asupan gula kedalam tubuh kita, sebab  tanpa gula di tubuh Anda, sel kanker akan mati secara alami dan secara berlahan- lahan.

Rebus atau campur buah lemon dengan secangkir air panas dan meminumnya setiap hari sebulum beraktivitas dan  sebelum makan dan kanker hilang seiring berjalanya waktu.

cara berikutnya  adalah meminum  sendok minyak kelapa organik secara Rutin, setiap hari  kanker  yang ada di dalam tubuh kita akan hilang. 

Ada beberapa hal yang bisa anda lakukan untuk menghilangkan kangker,antara lain sebagai berikut:

Minum air jeruk nipis setiap hari secra Rutin bisa mencegah anda dari penyakit  kanker.  tidak tambahkan gula ke dalam Air lemon.

PARE bahan yang mudah ditemukan di sekitar padar bisa menyembuhkan kangker, yairu diiris  pare sekitar 7  iris lalu direndam dengan segelas air panas selama 35 menit lalu diminum setiap hari secara rutin, kangkernta akan hilang.

SINGKONG yang baru di panen  yang masih segar  dan rebus  mengunakan  panci terbuka,  didalamnya terdapat Vitamin B17  yang sangat bagus buat kesehatan tentunya  dapat mematikan sel kanker didalam tubuh kita.
Orang yang Sering makan malam bisa mengakibatkan terkena kanker usus/lambung yang sangat berbahaya.

bagi para wanita yang mengalami Menstruasi/ datang bulan  Jangan minum teh selama periode menstruasi.

jangan sering- sering minum susu kedelai, dan tidak boleh menambahkan gula atau telur ke susu kedelai karena sangat berbahaya bagi kesehatan.
Bagi  bapak ibu pencinta buah Tomat perluh di ingatkan bawah Jangan  sekali kali makan  buah tomat  dalam keadaan perut kosong.

untuk  mencegah sakit batu  Empedu dapat dilakukan dengan cara Minum segelas air putih setiap pagi  sebelum makanan  secara Rutin dapat  mencegah terjadinya  batu empedu.

Pagi para pecinta /  hobi minum minuman  keras/ Alkohol, mohon di hentikan karena alkohol  tidak ada khasiat nutrisi namun bisa menyebabkan diabetes dan hipertensi.

hindari  mengisi daya handphone Anda atau perangkat elektronik  apa pun di sebelah Anda saat Anda tidur karena dapat menimbulkan Radiasi.

Sering  Minum  air putih yang banyak  setiap hari untuk asupan yg dibutuhkan tubuh juga mencegah Terjadinya kanker kandung kemih
bagi para pecinta kopi harap  Jangan minum lebih dari 2-3  cangkir kopi sehari, bisa menyebabkan insomnia dan peyakit lambung.

bagi yang sering begadang bahwa Tidur kurang dari 8 jam sehari mengakibatkan memburuk fungsi otak kita. Usahakan beristirahat selama setengah jam akan membuat kita awet muda.

Rasa pahit dalam air lemon panas adalah zat terbaik untuk membunuh sel kanker mati secara berlahan.

Sunday, 20 June 2021

Jeruk Lemon digunakan Untuk keperluan Obat Deman Flu Batuk

jeruk Lemon

Cuaca yang buruk kadang  hujan dan panas, dapat membuat tubuh kita mudah diserang penyakit. ibu-ibu Rumah tangga selalu kewatir kalau anak-anak di rumah audah sakit demam!tapi ibu-ibu tidak usaha takut dengan ramuan tradisonal yang sudah turun temurun yang mudah ditemukan dapat mengobati anak- dari rumah.

Ramuan tradisonal menurunkan suhu badan anak adalah dengan menggunakan jeruk lemon, karena jeruk lemon dapat membantu untuk menurunkan suhu badan yang panas dengan cepat.

adapun Bahan-bahan dan cara membuat nya yang sangat mudah di temukan di sekitar kita.
1.  Sediakan Jeruk lemon dan air.
2.  sediakan Jeruk lemon di iris-iris tipis atau  diperasuntuk mengambil air nya.

Caranaya pengunaannya antara lain sebagai berikut :
1. Peras air jeruk lemon dalam mangkok
     Tambahkan air tambahkan air masukan kain kedalam air lalu peraskan kain biar agak kering lalu tempelkan ke kepala anak.  
2.  Iris-iris tipis jeruk lemon dan lekatkan di
    talapak kaki supaya tetap lengket gunakan          kaus kaki yang agak Tipis biar tidak lepas.   
    Isi air tempat mandi bayi dengan air hangat
    -hangat kuku.Potong 1-3 buah jeruk lemon         iris   tipis dan letakkan di dalam air mandi       tersebut. Biarkan irisan jeruk lemon tersebut
    terendam di dalam air selama 2 menit  Siap di mandikan bayi pakai air tersebut.

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Menurut pandangan saya, agama dan spiritualitas adalah dua konsep yang berbeda meskipun terkait erat. Agama adalah pengorganisasian gagasan-...