The example of Our Lady of visiting Elizabeth is an example that needs to be followed. Mother Mary shows that she is not a selfish person even though we know that the problems faced by Mother Mary are also very big. We are invited to get out of all our comfort zones and selfishness.
Most importantly, we are not busy with ourselves. Dare to care and share. Remember God's greatest plan is for all mankind to be saved. Let's take part in realizing the plan to bring salvation by wanting to bring goodness to others around us who really need it.
LIFE doesn't always go the way we expect. Even though we have done our best, faithfully following Christ, it often happens that the plans we carefully devise and build, fall to pieces in an instant.
Our Lady's visit to her sister Elizabeth today gives confirmation to all of us, that God has a BEAUTIFUL PLAN FOR EACH OF US. Maybe not according to what we want, but He always gives the best for His children.
Let's hone our eyes of faith so that we are sensitive to his plans and wills, and change and improve our behavior to live according to his word. Believe and believe that Allah has the most beautiful plan for you.
Let's build an optimistic attitude, never doubt His power, trust and rely on God alone. If Allah wills, then nothing is impossible for Him.
Our waiting is not hopeless. God's Christmas is just around the corner. Happy feelings will soon be poured out. Keep on persevering in prayer wherever we are. HAVE YOU PROVIDED A ROOM IN YOUR HEART INN FOR JESUS?
Anyone must feel very happy and happy, when they get a visit from family, relatives or friends who they love very much.
Moreover, people who visit are not ordinary people but are very influential and even very important in their lives. His presence must have given him an extraordinary spirit, as well as indescribable happiness.
Today's Gospel tells of Mary visiting her sister Elizabeth. Elizabeth felt happy and happy because her brother visited. On this joy he said,
"Who am I that the mother of my Lord has come to visit me?" This is a noble and sincere expression and describes a woman who is very humble.
Elizabeth was aware of the strengthening visit, for she felt that Mary was a noble and holy person who was chosen by God to be the mother of His Son.
When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the child jumped in her womb and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. This signifies that the child that Elizabeth conceived knew that the one who had come to visit her was the Mother of God herself.
Mary's visit to her sister Elizabeth is a sign as well as proof that God Himself is present in the midst of His people. This visit is at the same time a sign of the sublime relationship between God and His beloved people. He does not want His people to fall into sin, so he himself comes and is present to visit us.
Today we are getting closer to the celebration of Christmas. We will be visited by Mary and Jesus as Elizabeth felt. We are invited to reflect together: what should we prepare to be able to experience a beautiful encounter with Jesus?
It is not we who come to Him, but He Himself who comes to greet us. May we be more ready to welcome His coming, as Elizabeth received Him, rejoiced, and had more faith.
Let us prepare ourselves so that our hearts are also fit to be a 'MANGER', where the Baby lies. May our hearts be worthy to be His dwelling place so that He is always within us and with joy we proclaim His coming wherever we go.” COME GOD IN OUR HEARTS, WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU".
Mary's visit to Elizabeth confirmed her as a blessed person. Elizabeth, who was full of the Holy Spirit, cried out with a loud voice:
"Blessed are you among all women and blessed is the fruit of your womb. Who am I that the mother of my Lord has come to visit me?
For behold, when your greetings reached my ears, the child in my womb leapt for joy.
And blessed is he who has believed, for whatever is said to him from the Lord will be done."{ Luke. 1:42-45 }
Elizabeth confirmed Mary as the Mother of the Son of God, and this confirmation made Mary grateful by singing:
"My soul glorifies the Lord, and my heart rejoices in God my Savior, for he has seen the lowliness of his servant.
Behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed, because the Almighty has done great things for me and His name is Holy.
And His mercy is from generation to generation over those who fear Him.{ Luke. 1:46-50 } The Song of Mary expresses Mary's gratitude for God's provision in her life.
God really participates in the lives of His people who always hope for His work of salvation.
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